
These two sentiments, however, may, it is evident, have such a correspondence with one another, as is sufficient for the harmony of society. Though they will never be unisons, they may be concords, and this is all that is wanted or required. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments1. Part 1 Of the Propriety of Action Consisting of Three Sections1.1. Section I Of the Sense of ProprietyChap. IV The same subject continued

《しかしながら、このつの感情は、社会が調和するのに十分な程度、互いに対応し合うのは明らかである。両者は決して合致することはなくとも、調和するであろう。そして、求められ必要とされるのはこれだけである》― アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』:第1部 3つの部分から構成される行為の妥当性について:第1編 行為の適宜性について:第4章 同じ問題の続き

In order to produce this concord, as nature teaches the spectators to assume the circumstances of the person principally concerned, so she teaches this last in some measure to assume those of the spectators. As they are continually placing themselves in his situation, and thence conceiving emotions similar to what he feels; so he is as constantly placing himself in theirs, and thence conceiving some degree of that coolness about his own fortune, with which he is sensible that they will view it. As they are constantly considering what they themselves would feel, if they actually were the sufferers, so he is as constantly led to imagine in what manner he would be affected if he was only one of the spectators of his own situation. – Ibid.

《この調和を生み出すために、主当事者が置かれた状況を推測する方法を見物人が自ずと学ぶように、見物人が置かれた状況を推測する方法を、ある程度、主当事者は学ぶ。見物人が絶えず、主当事者の置かれた状況に自ら身を置くことによって、主当事者が感じるのと類似した感情を思い浮かべているように、主当事者も、絶えず見物人の置かれた状況に自ら身を置くことによって、ある程度冷静に、見物人が視ていることを意識しつつ、自分の運命について思い浮かべるのである。見物人が絶えず、自分が実際苦しんでいたらどう感じるかを考えているように、主当事者もまた、自分が自分の状況を見る1人でしかなかったら、どのような影響を受けるのかを絶えず想像させられているのである》― 同

As their sympathy makes them look at it, in some measure, with his eyes, so his sympathy makes him look at it, in some measure, with theirs, especially when in their presence and acting under their observation: and as the reflected passion, which he thus conceives, is much weaker than the original one, it necessarily abates the violence of what he felt before he came into their presence, before he began to recollect in what manner they would be affected by it, and to view his situation in this candid and impartial light. – Ibid.

《見物人は、共感し、主当事者目線で幾らかその状況を見るように、主当事者は、共感し、特に見物人の面前監視の下(もと)行動しているときは、見物人目線で幾らかその状況を見る。そして、こうして思い浮かべ、映し出された感情は、元の感情よりもずっと弱く、主当事者が見物人の前に現れるまで、見物人がその感情によってどのように影響されたかを思い出し、この率直で公平な光の中で自分の状況を視るようになるまで感じていたものの激しさは、必然的に弱まるのである》― 同



オルテガ『大衆の反逆』(10) 疑うことを知らぬ人達

ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
