10月放送のNHKEテレ『100分de名著』でアーネスト・ヘミングウェイ『老人と海』(The Old Man and
the Sea)が取り上げられた。が、番組内での都甲幸治(とこう・こうじ)早稲田大学教授の解説を聞いて、どれくらいの人がこの小説をなるほど<名著>だと確認できたであろうか。疑問に思ったのは、『老人と海』の「主題」(theme)が何か説明されなかったことである。これでは『老人と海』がなぜ<名著>と称されるのかについて分かるべくもない。ともすれば、ノーベル賞作家ヘミングウェイの作品であるから<名著>なのだろうなどという話にもなりかねない。そこで今回『老人と海』の<名著>たる所以(ゆえん)を私なりに探りたいと思った次第である。
★ ★ ★
It is
silly not to hope, he thought. Besides I believe it is a sin. Do not think
about sin, he thought. There are enough problems now without sin. Also I have
no understanding of it.
I have no understanding of it and I am
not sure that I believe in it. Perhaps it was a sin to kill the fish. I suppose
it was even though I did it to keep me alive and feed many people. But then
everything is a sin. Do not think about sin. It is much too late for that and
there are people who are paid to do it. Let them think about it.
He looked across the sea and knew how alone
he was now. But he could see the prisms in the deep dark water and the line
stretching ahead and the strange undulation of the calm. The clouds were
building up now for the trade wind and he looked ahead and saw a flight of wild
ducks etching themselves against the sky over the water, then blurring, then
etching again and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.
On the brown walls
of the flattened, overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a
picture in color of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and another of the Virgin of
Cobre. These were relics of his wife.