オークショット『政治における合理主義』(1) 合理主義者とは



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  The general character and disposition of the Rationalist are, I think, not difficult to identify. At bottom he stands (he always stands) for independence of mind on all occasions, for thought free from obligation to any authority save the authority of 'reason'. His circumstances in the modern world have made him contentious: he is the enemy of authority, of prejudice, of the merely traditional, customary or habitual. His mental attitude is at once sceptical and optimistic: sceptical, because there is no opinion, no habit, no belief, nothing so firmly rooted or so widely held that he hesitates to question it and to judge it by what he calls his 'reason'; optimistic, because the Rationalist never doubts the power of his 'reason' (when properly applied) to determine the worth of a thing, the truth of an opinion or the propriety of an action. Moreover, he is fortified by a belief in a 'reason' common to all mankind, a common power of rational consideration, which is the ground and inspiration of argument: set up on his door is the precept of Parmehides -- judge by rational argument. But besides this, which gives the Rationalist a touch of intellectual equalitarianism, he is something also of an individualist, finding it difficult to believe that anyone who can think honestly and clearly will think differently from himself. – Michael Oakeshott, Rationalism in politics



彼(=合理主義者)は経験を看過するわけではないが、それが彼自身の経験でなければならないと主張する(そしてすべてを新たに始めるよう求める)ために、また、入り組んだ多様な経験の一群を原理に還元し、その後でそれを合理的根拠のみによって攻撃したり擁護したりする場合の性急さのために、彼はしばしばそうしているように見えるのである。彼には経験の蓄積という感覚がなく、経験が1つの定式に転換されている場合にそれを受け入れる用意があるに過ぎない。過去は彼にとって邪魔者としての意味しかもたないのである。(オークショット『政治における合理主義』(勁草書房)嶋津格訳、pp. 2-3



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