What we call 'past events' are … the product of understanding (or having understood) present occurrences as evidence for happenings that have already taken place. The past, in whatever manner it appears, is a certain sort of reading of the present. Whatever attitudes present events are capable of provoking in us may also be provoked by events which appear when we regard present events as evidence for other events -- that is, by what we call 'past' events. In short, there is not one past because there is not one present: there is a 'practical' past, a 'scientific' past and a (specious) 'contemplative' past, each a universe of discourse logically different from either of the others. -- Michael Oakeshott, The activity of being an historian: FOUR
The activity of the historian is pre-eminently that of understanding present events -- the things that are before him -- as evidence for past happenings. His attitude towards the present is one in which the past always appears. But in order to understand his activity fully, the question we must ask ourselves is: Can we discern in the attitude of 'historians' towards the past and in the kind of statements they are accustomed to make about it, any characteristics that warrant us to conclude that, besides a 'practical' past, a 'scientific' past and a (specious) 'contemplative' past, there is a specifically 'historial' past? -- Ibid.
《歴史家は一人の個人であります。それと同時に、他の多くの個人と同様、彼はまた一個の社会的現象であって、彼の属する社会の産物であると同時に、その社会の意識あるいは無意識なスポークスマンであって、こういう資格において、彼は歴史的過去の事実に近づいて行くのです》(E・H・カー『歴史とは何か』(岩波新書)清水幾太郎訳、p. 48)
《歴史的過去は、直接に現在化されるのではなくて、どこまでも過去を媒介として現在化されます。思想家が当時のことばと、当時の価値基準で語ったことを、彼が当面していた問題は何であったか、という観点からあらためて捉えなおし、それを、当時の歴史的状況との関連において、今日の、あるいは明日の時代に読みかえることによって、われわれは、その思想家の当面した問題をわれわれの問題として主体的に受けとめることができるのです》(丸山眞男「幕末における視座の変革―佐久間象山の場合―」:『忠誠と反逆』(筑摩書房)、p. 117)