
if it is said that the manner in which 'politics' is taught in universities has not forbidden a connection with history and philosophy, the reply must be that the connection is often resented as a diversion from the proper concerns of 'political science', and that wherever it has been made it has been apt to be corrupting rather than emancipating. -- Michael Oakeshott, The study of ‘politics’ in a university: TWO


'History' appears, not as a mode of explanation, but merely as some conclusions of allegedly 'historical' writers believed to account for the present structure or to forecast the future prospects of (for example) a political party, or to provide evidence relating to the origin or the efficiency of an administrative device. – Ibid.


History' is patronizingly admitted so long as it remains in the 'background' (whatever that may mean). 'philosophy' appears, not as a manner of thinking but as a misused word to identify what is believed to be a certain kind of interest in politics. – Ibid.


Merely to extend our studies backwards a little way into the past in order to account for a piece of political conduct is not 'doing' history; it is indulging in a piece of retrospective politics which makes certain that the historical mode of thinking never properly appears. – Ibid.


そして、プラトンやホップズやルソーやヘーゲルやミルの書物の中に、これらの思想家の政治的傾向が求められたり、また「自然法」、「一般意志」、「自由」、「法の支配」、「正義」、「主権」といった、本来哲学的に説明的な概念が、政治家の手にかかって規範的概念に変ってしまったり、更にはその命令的側面しか顧みられない場合には、哲学的思考法を学ぶ棟会は失われてしまっている。(オークショット「大学にふさわしい『政治学』教育について」、pp. 389-390)


こうして哲学的議論がいわゆる「政治理論」に変質し、それを「民主主義的」とか「保守主義的」とか「リベラルな」とか「進歩的」とか「反動的」と政治的レッテルを付けて呼ぶことが適当と考えられるようになるならば、政治の「職業」教育が再び押しつけられ、哲学者は物事の状態にかかわるのではなく説明の仕方にのみかかわることが理解されえなくなり、更に哲学的議論にとって唯一重要なことは首尾一貫性、明晰性、解明力および創造性であることが理解されなくなってしまう。(同、p. 390)





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
