When such matters are in deliberation, it is no extravagant supposition that they will incline to the opinion most favorable to their pretensions. They will not bear to be deemed the army of an imprisoned king,
(このような問題を検討するにあたって、兵士が自分たちの主張に最も有利な意見に傾くと考えることは大袈裟なことではありません。彼らは投獄された国王の軍隊と見做されることに我慢ならないのです)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 279f
Everything depends
upon the army in such a government as yours; for you have industriously
destroyed all the opinions and prejudices, and, as far as in you lay, all the
instincts which support government. Therefore the moment any difference arises
between your National Assembly and any part of the nation, you must have
recourse to force. Nothing else is left to you, —or rather, you have left
nothing else to yourselves.
(あらゆることが、貴方方のような政府では、軍隊次第になります。というのは、貴方方は、政府を支えるすべての意見と先入見、そして可能な限りすべての直観を破壊することに精出してきたからです。したがって、国民議会と国民の何らか部分との間に何らかの争いが生じた瞬間、貴方方は武力に頼らざるを得ないのです。それ以外に、貴方方には何も残されていません――いやむしろ、他に何も自分たちに残してこなかったのです)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 280f
Human beings
require for their nurture and advancement a different kind of reasoning, one
that comes from feelings, emotions, and long experience as well as pure logic.
Prejudice has its own intrinsic wisdom, one that is anterior to intellect.
Prejudice 'is of ready application in the emergency; it previously engages the
mind in a steady course of wisdom and virtue and does not leave the man
hesitating in the moment of decision, skeptical, puzzled, and unresolved. –
Robert Nisbet, Conservatism: Prejudice and Reason
You see, by the
report of your war minister, that the distribution of the army is in a great
measure made with a view of internal coercion. You must rule by an army; and
you have infused into that army by which you rule, as well as into the whole body
of the nation, principles which after a time must disable you in the use you
resolve to make of it. The king is to call out troops to act against his
people, when the world has been told, and the assertion is still ringing in our
ears, that troops ought not to fire on citizens. The colonies assert to
themselves an independent constitution and a free trade. They must be
constrained by troops.
(軍隊の配分が、大抵、国内制圧を目的としてなされていることが陸軍大臣の報告書で分かります。貴方方は軍隊によって統治しなければなりません。そして、やがて貴方方がそれを利用することに決めたことで貴方方を無能にするに違いない原則を、国民全体だけでなく貴方方が統治するその軍隊にも吹き込んでいるのです。軍隊は国民に発砲してはならないというように世間で言われ、その主張が私達の耳に未だ鳴り響いているのに、国王は国民に対して行動するために軍隊を招集するのです。植民者は、自らに対し独立憲法と自由貿易を主張します。彼らは軍隊によって抑えられねばなりません)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 281