Burke, and conservatives generally, have
seen that almost all of the will to resist, that is commonly claimed to result
from inner knowledge of natural rights or from inner instincts to freedom,
results instead from prejudices slowly built up historically in a people’s
minds: prejudices about religion, property, national autonomy and
long-accustomed roles in the social order. These, not abstract rights, are the
motive powers in the struggles of peoples for freedom which we honor. -- Robert
Nisbet, Conservatism: Prejudice and Reason
☆ ☆ ☆
In what chapter of
your code of the rights of men are they able to read that it is a part of the
rights of men to have their commerce monopolized and restrained for the benefit
of others? As the colonists rise on you, the negroes rise on them. Troops
again, —massacre, torture, hanging! These are your rights of men! These are the
fruits of metaphysic declarations wantonly made and shamefully retracted!
これらは貴方方の人間の権利なのだ! これらは無慈悲にもなされ、恥ずかしくも撤回された形而上学的宣言の果実なのだ!)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 281
The leaders teach
the people to abhor and reject all feodality as the barbarism of tyranny; and
they tell them afterwards how much of that barbarous tyranny they are to bear
with patience. As they are prodigal of light with regard to grievances, so the
people find them sparing in the extreme with regard to redress. They know that
not only certain quit-rents and personal duties, which you have permitted them
to redeem, (but have furnished no money for the redemption,) are as nothing to
those burdens for which you have made no provision at all; they know that almost
the whole system of landed property in its origin is feudal, —that it is the
distribution of the possessions of the original proprietors made by a barbarous
conqueror to his barbarous instruments, —and that the most grievous effects of
the conquest axe the land-rents of every kind, as without question they are.
(指導者たちは、すべての封建制を専制の野蛮として忌み嫌い、拒絶するよう民衆を教導し、その後、その野蛮な専制をどれだけ忍耐強く耐えなければならないかを民衆に語るのです。彼らが不満に関して惜しげなく光を与えるように、民衆は彼らが救済に関して極端にけちであることに気付きます。彼らは、貴方方が彼らに償還することを許可した(が、償還のためのお金を提供しなかった)ある種の免役地代や個人の義務が、貴方方が全く規定を設けなかった重荷に比べれば、何でもないことを知っているだけでなく、土地所有の殆どすべての体制がその起源において封建的であるということ、それは野蛮な征服者が彼の野蛮な手先に対して行った元の所有者の財産の分配であるということ、そして、征服の最大の痛手は、疑いもなく、あらゆる種類の地代の打ち切りだということも知っています)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 282
The peasants, in
all probability, are the descendants of these ancient proprietors, Romans or
Gauls. But if they fail, in any degree, in the titles which they make on the
principles of antiquaries and lawyers, they retreat into the citadel of the
rights of men. There they find that men are equal; and the earth, the kind and
equal mother of all, ought not to be monopolized to foster the pride and luxury
of any men, who by nature are no better than themselves, and who, if they do
not labor for their bread, are worse.
(農民は、九分九厘、こうした古代の所有者、ローマ人またはゴール人の子孫です。しかし、古物研究家や法律家の原則に基づく権利要求に少しでも失敗すると、彼らは人間の権利の砦(とりで)に立て籠もります。そこで彼らは、人間は平等であり、すべて親切で平等な母、地球は、本来的に自分と同然で、パンのために働かないなら、自分以下の如何なる人間の高慢や贅沢を助長するために独占されるべきではないことを知るのです)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 282f