'Many people,' says Cicero, 'despise glory, who are yet most severely mortified by unjust reproach; and that most inconsistently.' This inconsistency, however, seems to be founded in the unalterable principles of human nature. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II
The all-wise
Author of Nature has, in this manner, taught man to respect the sentiments and
judgments of his brethren; to be more or less pleased when they approve of his
conduct, and to be more or less hurt when they disapprove of it. He has made
man, if I may say so, the immediate judge of mankind; and has, in this respect,
as in many others, created him after his own image, and appointed him his
vicegerent upon earth, to superintend the behaviour of his brethren. — Ibid.
They are taught by
nature, to acknowledge that power and jurisdiction which has thus been
conferred upon him, to be more or less humbled and mortified when they have
incurred his censure, and to be more or less elated when they have obtained his
applause. But though man
has, in this manner, been rendered the immediate judge of mankind, he has been
rendered so only in the first instance; and an appeal lies from his sentence to
a much higher tribunal, to the tribunal of their own consciences, to that of
the supposed impartial and well-informed spectator, to that of the man within
the breast, the great judge and arbiter of their conduct. The jurisdictions of
those two tribunals are founded upon principles which, though in some respects
resembling and akin, are, however, in reality different and distinct. — Ibid.
The jurisdiction
of the man without, is founded altogether in the desire of actual praise, and
in the aversion to actual blame. The jurisdiction of the man within, is founded
altogether in the desire of praise-worthiness, and in the aversion to blame-worthiness;
in the desire of possessing those qualities, and performing those actions,
which we love and admire in other people; and in the dread of possessing those
qualities, and performing those actions, which we hate and despise in other
people. — Ibid.
《外部の人間の裁判権は、現実の称賛を望み、現実の非難を嫌うことにまったく基づいている。内部の人間の裁判権は、称賛に値することを望み、非難に値することを嫌うことに、他人を愛し称賛するような資質を有(も)ち、そのような行動をしたいという望み、他人の中で私達が憎み、軽蔑するような資質を有ち、そのような行動をすることを怖れることにまったく基づいている》― 同