
《そうだとすれば、もはや、「中立的な観察者」は「世間」でもなければ、財産をもった上流階級である必要もない。「神の見えざる目」によって、人は自己を規律できるはずである》(佐伯啓思『アダム・スミスの誤算』(PHP新書)、p. 104)




A very young child has no self-command; but, whatever are its emotions, whether fear, or grief, or anger, it endeavours always, by the violence of its outcries, to alarm, as much as it can, the attention of its nurse, or of its parents. While it remains under the custody of such partial protectors, its anger is the first and, perhaps, the only passion which it is taught to moderate. By noise and threatening they are, for their own ease, often obliged to frighten it into good temper; and the passion which incites it to attack, is restrained by that which teaches it to attend to its own safety. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II

(幼い子供には自制心がないが、恐怖、悲しみ、怒りなど、その子供の感情が何であれ、叫び声を激しくして、出来る限り乳母や両親に危険を知らせようとする。そのような偏愛する保護者の監督の下では、怒りは第1のものであり、恐らく抑えるように教えられる唯一の感情であろう。親は、自分の安心のために、しばしば我が子を騒ぎ脅(おど)して怖がらせ、機嫌を直させざるを得ず、子供を攻撃へと駆り立てる感情は、自らの安全に注意を払うよう指導する感情によって抑えられる)― アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第3部:第1編:第2章

When it is old enough to go to school, or to mix with its equals, it soon finds that they have no such indulgent partiality. It naturally wishes to gain their favour, and to avoid their hatred or contempt. Regard even to its own safety teaches it to do so; and it soon finds that it can do so in no other way than by moderating, not only its anger, but all its other passions, to the degree which its play-fellows and companions are likely to be pleased with. It thus enters into the great school of self-command, it studies to be more and more master of itself, and begins to exercise over its own feelings a discipline which the practice of the longest life is very seldom sufficient to bring to complete perfection. – Ibid.

(学校へ行き、同輩と交わる年齢になると、やがて同輩には親のような寛大な偏愛がないことに気付く。彼らに気に入られたい、嫌われ、軽蔑されるのを避けたいと自然に望む。自身の安全のためにもそうするようになり、すぐに、怒りだけでなく他のすべての感情を遊び仲間や友達が喜びそうな程度に抑える以外にそうする方法がないということが分かる。こうして大いに自制することを学び、ますます克己心を高めるべく学んで、長い人生修行を経てさえ、ごく稀(まれ)にしか完全完璧には至らない規律を、自分の感情に用い始めるのである)― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
