Our sensibility to personal danger and distress, like that to personal provocation, is much more apt to offend by its excess than by its defect. No character is more contemptible than that of a coward; no character is more admired than that of the man who faces death with intrepidity, and maintains his tranquillity and presence of mind amidst the most dreadful dangers.
We esteem the man who supports pain and even torture with manhood and firmness; and we can have little regard for him who sinks under them, and abandons himself to useless outcries and womanish lamentations. A fretful temper, which feels, with too much sensibility, every little cross accident, renders a man miserable in himself and offensive to other people. A calm one, which does not allow its tranquillity to be disturbed, either by the small injuries, or by the little disasters incident to the usual course of human affairs; but which, amidst the natural and moral evils infesting the world, lays its account and is contented to suffer a little from both, is a blessing to the man himself, and gives ease and security to all his companions. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments, 6th edition.: Book 6: Chapter 3
《ここでスミスが「男らしい」と「女らしい」という語法を用いていることに多少注意しておくべきかもしれない。明らかに、彼は、「勇気」「誇り」といった徳に「男性的」という形容詞を付加し、そこに自己規制の基底をみていた。あるいは、そこに「不動性」をみていた。恒常的なもの、不動なもの、もっといえば「確かなもの」をそこにみようとした。社会の中で相互に「見る/見られる」という相対性の中からでてくる評価や「世論」などというものを突き抜けたところに、スミスは、もっと「確かなもの」を発見しようとしていた。そこで彼が取り出したのが、古代的で「男性的な」美徳に裏付けられた、また神的存在という絶対者をヴェールの後ろに隠した「自己規制」であった。このときはじめて、人間は「確かな自己」を少なくとも感じ取ることができるはずなのである》(佐伯啓思『アダム・スミスの誤算』(PHP新書)、pp. 108)