ハイエク『隷属への道』(38) 全体主義の前触れ
保守党による前政権下において、保守党の一般党員たちの中でも「最も有能な人々は……心の底では全員が社会主義者であった」…フェビアン主義時代と同様に、いまでは多くの社会主義者たちが、自由主義者たちよりも保守主義者たちに対して、より大きく共鳴するようになっている(ハイエク『隷属への道』(春秋社)西山千明訳、p. 247)
"even in peace industrial life must remain mobilised. This is what he means by speaking of the 'militarisation of our industrial life' [the title of the work reviewed]. Individualism must come to an end absolutely. A system of regulations must be set up, the object of which is not the greater happiness of the individual (Professor Jaffe is not ashamed to say this in so many words), but the strengthening of the organised unity of the state for the object of attaining the maximum degree of efficiency (Leistungsfähigkeit), the influence of which on individual advantage is only indirect.
-- This hideous
doctrine is enshrined in a sort of idealism. The nation will grow into a
'closed unity' and will become, in fact, what Plato declared it should be -- 'Der
Mensch im Grossen.' In particular, the coming peace will bring with it a
strengthening of the idea of State action in industry…. Foreign investment,
emigration, the industrial policy which in recent years had regarded the whole
world as a market, are too dangerous. The old order of industry, which is dying
to-day, is based on Profit; and the new Germany of the twentieth-century Power
without consideration of Profit is to make an end of that system of Capitalism,
which came over from England one hundred years ago.