ハイエク『隷属への道』(40) 人は自分が望むものを進んで信じるものだ

The sterility of the peace settlement of 1919 was due to the failure of those who made it to understand the contemporary revolution. – E. H. Carr, Conditions of Peace, Chapter I War and Revolution



In retrospect, it is not difficult to see that the increasing strains of competitive capitalism were one of the most important underlying causes of the catastrophe of 1914. To multiply the number of competing units in the name of the ideals of die French Revolution was as sure and as mad a way as could well have been found of aggravating the crisis and of ensuring a repetition of the outbreak. The paradox which continues to puzzle students of the period between the two wars is that the victorious Allies "lost the peace". – Ibid.


During those twenty years, the two great countries whose collapse in 1918 had been complete and spectacular made giant strides to recovery and were presently taking the political lead throughout Europe, while the victors of 1918 remained helpless spectators. That the United States seceded from the settlement, that the Allies quarrelled among themselves, that Hitler was a gangster and that Great Britain disarmed and temporised, that the Versailles Treaty was too vindictive, that the Versailles Treaty was not vindictive enough -- all these explanations are superficial and futile. – Ibid.


The victors lost the peace, and Soviet Russia and Germany won it, because the former continued to preach, and in part to apply, the once valid, but now disruptive, ideals of the rights of nations and laissez-faire capitalism, whereas the latter, consciously or unconsciously borne forward on the tide of twentieth-century revolution, were striving to build up the world into larger units under centralised planning and control. – Ibid.



Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.【ラテン語】

In most cases men willingly believe what they wish.



The role which the intellectuals played in the totalitarian transformation of society was prophetically foreseen in another country by Julien Benda, whose Trahison des clercs assumes new significance when one now re-reads it, fifteen years after it has been written. There is particularly one passage in that work which deserves to be well pondered and kept in mind when we come to consider certain examples of the excursions of British scientists into politics.t is the passage in which M. Benda speaks of the “superstition of science held to be competent in all domains, including that of morality; a superstition which, I repeat, is an acquisition of the nineteenth century.

It remains to discover whether those who brandish this doctrine believe in it or whether they simply want to give the prestige of a scientific appearance to passions of their hearts, which they perfectly know are nothing but passions. It is to be noted that the dogma that history is obedient to scientific laws is preached especially by partisans of arbitrary authority. This is quite natural, since it eliminates the two realities they most hate, i.e., human liberty and the historical action of the individual. -- F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 13 The Totalitarians in Our Midst





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策

