
It is commonly believed (as we have seen) that there is something pre-eminently 'rational' in conduct which springs (or appears to spring) from the independent premeditation of a purpose or a role of behaviour, and that it is 'rational' on account of the antecedent process of premeditation and on account of the success with which the purpose is achieved. And if we were to accept this view it would appear that moral conduct would be pre-eminently 'rational' when it was being treated for a diseased condition. -- Michael Oakeshott, Rational conduct: NINE



But even this is rather more than may properly be concluded; the most that may, in fact, be claimed is that conduct is specially 'rational' when it is being cured of a disease and when the success of the treatment depends upon the illusion that the curative property of the substance injected derives from its being uncontaminated with the character of the diseased moral tradition -- an illusion similar to that of the man who thinks he has found a new and independent way of living when he is really only spending his inherited capital. Of course, reflection upon the principles and ends in conduct may serve other than remedial purposes; it has a pedagogic and perhaps even a prophylactic use: the important point, however, is that it is never more than a device. – Ibid.



それは生活様式を構成する。この整合性は、「理性」と呼ばれる能力ないし「共感」と呼ばれる能力の作用のことではない。それは別々に注ぎ込まれた道徳観念からも、道具としての意識からも生じない。実際のところ、調和を享有する諸要素やそれを求める諸要素から絶縁された、外的な調和力などまったく存在しないのである。調和を確立し不調和を見つけるのは、具体的な精神、つまり調和を求める活動からすべてが構成され、達成されたすべての調和レベルにあまねく関係づけられた精神なのである。(オークショット「合理的行動」(勁草書房)、pp. 125-126





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
