
I am not contending that our morality is wholly enclosed in the form of the selfconscious pursuit of moral ideals. Indeed, my view is that this is an ideal extreme in moral form and not, by itself, a possible form of morality at all. I am suggesting that the form of our moral life is dominated by this extreme, and that our moral life consequently suffers the internal tension inherent in this form. Certainly we possess habits of moral behaviour, but too often our selfconscious pursuit of ideals hinders us from enjoying them. Self-consciousness is asked to be creative, and habit is given the role of critic; what should be subordinate has come to rule, and its rule is a misrule. Sometimes the tension appears on the surface, and on these occasions we are aware that something is wrong. –- Michael Oakeshott, The Tower of Babel


A man who fails to practise what he preaches does not greatly disturb us; we know that preaching is in terms of moral ideals and that no man can practise them perfectly. This is merely the minor tension between ideal and achievement. But when a man preaches 'social justice' (or indeed any other ideal whatsoever) and at the same time is obviously without a habit of ordinary decent behaviour (a habit that belongs to our morality but has fortunately never been idealized), the tension I speak of makes its appearance. And the fact that we are still able to recognize it is evidence that we are not wholly at the mercy of a morality of abstract ideals. –- Ibid.


道徳的振舞いの習慣は、定式化された道徳的理想の自己意識的追求へと転換した――この転換は、一人の人物への信仰が、抽象的命題の集合である信経(creed)への信念に変わるのと並行している。(オークショット「バベルの塔」(勁草書房)、p. 87


ひとたび軽率にも道徳的諸理想の抽象的用語の中に自らを定式化してしまったからには、その批判者たち(彼らは決して長い間黙ってはいなかった)がこれらの理想を標的にすることも、またこれらを攻撃から守る際に理想が硬直して誇張されたものになることも、たやすく予想できたことだった。(同、p. 88

Every significant attack upon Christian morality (that of Nietzsche, for example) has been mistaken for an attack upon the particular moral ideals of Christian life, whereas whatever force it possessed derived from the fact that the object of attack was a morality of ideals which had never succeeded in becoming a morality of habit of behaviour.

The history of European morals, then, is in part the history of the maintenance and extension of a morality whose form has, from the beginning, been dominated by the pursuit of moral ideals.–- Ibid.



「西洋道徳の苦境は、私の見るところ次の通りである。第1に、我々の道徳的生は理想の追求によって支配されるに至っているが、この支配は確立した振舞いの習慣を破滅させるものである。第2に、我々はこの支配を、感謝すべき恩恵あるいは誇るべき業績と考えるに至っている。そして我々の苦境についてのこの検討がめざす唯一の目標は、この腐敗した意識、つまり我々を自分の不運に甘んじさせる自己欺瞞(ぎまん)を暴露することである。(同、pp. 89-90)【了】




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
