
《道義の體系(たいけい)を說いた人々はこうした〔理由を準(なぞら)えるという〕用心をしないのが普通である。それゆえ、私は讀者(どくしゃ)がこれをするように敢(あ)えて勸めよう。そして私は堅く信ずるが、この僅かな注意は道德性に關(かん)する一切の卑俗な體系を覆(くつがえ)すであろう。換言すれば、德と惡德との區別(くべつ)は事物の關係だけを根柢(こんてい)とするものでなく、理知によって看取されるものでないこと、この點(てん)を我々に判(わか)らせるであろう》(デイヴィド・ヒューム『人性論(4)』(岩波文庫)大槻晴彦訳、p. 34)


It was the acute Vauvenargues who detected that it was only by the subterfuge of inventing a “virtu incompatible avec la natur de l’homme” that La Rochefoucauld was able to announce coldly that “il n’y avait aucun virtu.” Indeed, the idioms of moral conduct which our civilization has displayed are distinguished, in the first place, not in respect of their doctrines about how we ought to behave, but in respect of their interpretations of what in fact we are. -- Michael Oakeshott, The moral life in the writings of Thomas Hobbes





218 偽善は悪徳が美徳に捧げる敬意のしるしである。

MS28 人が悪徳を咎(とが)めるのも、美徳を称(たた)えるのも、すべて私利私欲からに過ぎない。

MS34 世間が美徳と呼ぶものは、ふつう、われわれの情念が作り出す幽霊に過ぎない。人びとは罰せられずにしたい放題ができるように、体裁のよい名をそれにつけているのである。(ラ・ロシュフコー『箴言集』(岩波文庫)二宮フサ訳)

296  I have always thought it absurd that philosophers should have invented a virtue incompatible with human nature, and that alter inventing it, they should have announced coldly that there is no such thing as virtue. Let them speak of a figment of their imagination; they can at their pleasure abandon or destroy it, since they are its creators. But real virtue--which they they dislike calling by that name, because it does not conform to their definitions--(I mean that virtue which is the work of nature and not theirs, and consists mainly in kindness and courage)--is not dependent on their fancy, and will continue to exist for ever, with features that cannot be effaced. -- Reflections and Maxims of Vauvenargues





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
