
If there is a manner of thinking and speaking that can properly be called 'political', the appropriate business of a university in respect of it is not to use it, or to teach the use of it, but to explain it -- that is, to bring to bear upon it one or more of the recognized modes of explanation. -- Michael Oakeshott, The study of ‘politics’ in a university: TWO


If the expression ‘political activity’ stands for something which plausibly offers itself to be understood and to be explained, the questions a teacher of 'politics' in a university should ask himself are: In what manner do I design to explain it? Into what explanatory 'language' or 'languages' should I translate it? What 'languages' of explanation may an undergraduate find himself learning to use and to manage in connection with politics? –- Ibid.


if we put behind us the alluring but inappropriate ‘vocational' enterprise of teaching the use and management of the language of politics, the study of 'politics' at a university may afford an undergraduate the opportunity of acquainting himself with two different manners of understanding, two modes of thought, two explanatory 'languages', namely, the 'languages' of history and of philosophy. –- Ibid.


What falls outside these is, I think, one or other of these manners of thinking disguised in some not very elegant fancy dress. Each of these manners of thinking is a genuine mode of explanation: each operates with clear criteria of relevance; each is capable of reaching conclusions appropriate to itself; in each it may be said that this or that is an error, but also (and more significantly) that this or that is out of character; and statements made in these 'languages' do not pretend to have injunctive force. –- Ibid.


Thus, the appropriate engagement of an undergraduate student of 'politics' at a university will be to be taught and to learn something about the modes of thought and manners of speaking of an historian and a philosopher, and to do this in connection with politics, while others (in other Schools) are doing it in other connections. –- Ibid.


15世紀における英国の羊毛貿易や16世紀における教皇制についての教科書に即して、歴史学部の学生が歴史家の思考・表現方法や、理解・説明方法を学ぶように、政治学部の学生は同じことを政党や下院またマキァヴェリの『君主論』やホールディン報告〔の講義〕をつうじて学ぶのである。また哲学部の学生がカントの『純粋理性批判』を学ぶように(そして大学でカントを学ぶということは、カントの得た結論に精通するということではなく、カントの当面した問題を理解し哲学的議論の何たるかに精通することであるが)、政治学部の学生はホッブズの『リヴァイアサン』やヘーゲルの『法哲学』を読み、哲学的思考法の何たるかを学ぼうとするのである。(オークショット「大学にふさわしい『政治学』教育について」、p. 388




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
