
Through that diversity of members and interests, general liberty had as many securities as there were separate views in the several orders; whilst by pressing down the whole by the weight of a real monarchy, the separate parts would have been prevented from warping and starting from their allotted places.

(そのような多様な構成員と利害によって、一般的な自由は、様々な階級にある別々の見解と同じ数の安全を手に入れてきたのです。一方、実際の君主制の重みで全体を抑え込むことによって、別々の部分が、割り当てられた場所から逸脱し、飛び出すのを防いだのでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 46

You had all these advantages in your ancient states; but you chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had everything to begin anew. You began ill, because you began by despising everything that belonged to you.

(貴方方は、古い国家において、これらの利点をすべて持っていました。しかし、貴方方は、まるで今まで民営社会へと形作られたことがなく、あらゆることを新たに始めるかのように行動する道を選びしました。始まりが悪かった。なにせ自分たちの所有するあらゆるものを蔑(ないがし)ろにすることから始めたのですから)― cf. 半澤訳、同

You set up your trade without a capital. If the last generations of your country appeared without much lustre in your eyes, you might have passed them by, and derived your claims from a more early race of ancestors. Under a pious predilection for those ancestors, your imaginations would have realized in them a standard of virtue and wisdom beyond the vulgar practice of the hour; and you would have risen with the example to whose imitation you aspired. Respecting your forefathers, you would have been taught to respect yourselves.

(貴方方は、元手なしに商売を始めてしまったのです。貴方方の目に祖国の末代があまり輝いて映らなかったのなら、それを通り越して、更に昔の祖先の血統から資格が得られたかもしれません。そういった祖先に対する敬虔(けいけん)な偏愛の下、貴方方の想像力は、今の卑俗な慣習を超えた美徳と英知の基準を彼らの中に実感し、貴方方が希望する模範と共に立ち上がったことでしょう。先祖を敬うことで、自らを敬うことを教わったことでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、同

You would not have chosen to consider the French as a people of yesterday, as a nation of low-born, servile wretches until the emancipating year of 1789. In order to furnish, at the expense of your honor, an excuse to your apologists here for several enormities of yours, you would not have been content to be represented as a gang of Maroon slaves, suddenly broke loose from the house of bondage, and therefore to be pardoned for your abuse of the liberty to which you were not accustomed, and were ill fitted.

1789年の自由解放の年まで、フランス人を昨日の国民、下層生まれで奴隷のような惨めな国民と見做すことを選択しなかったでしょう。貴方方の名誉を犠牲にして、ここにいる貴方方の弁解者たちに貴方方の幾つかの違法行為の言い訳をするために、貴方方は、マルーン奴隷の一団として表され、束縛の家から突然解き放たれたのだから、慣れない、分不相応の自由を乱用しても赦(ゆる)されるということに甘んじはしなかったことでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、同

Had you made it to be understood, that, in the delusion of this amiable error, you had gone further than your wise ancestors,—that you were resolved to resume your ancient privileges, whilst you preserved the spirit of your ancient and your recent loyalty and honor; or if, diffident of yourselves, and not clearly discerning the almost obliterated Constitution of your ancestors, you had looked to your neighbors in this land, who had kept alive the ancient principles and models of the old common law of Europe, meliorated and adapted to its present state,—by following wise examples you would have given new examples of wisdom to the world. You would have rendered the cause of liberty venerable in the eyes of every worthy mind in every nation.





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
