バーク『フランス革命の省察』(4)コモン・ロー その2
In law, common law, also known as judicial precedent, judge-made law, or case law, is the body of law created by judges and tribunals. Unlike statutory law, the common law is contained and developed within written opinions and judgments. In cases where parties disagree on what the law is, a common law court looks to past decisions of relevant courts, and synthesizes the principles of those past cases as applicable to the current facts. If a similar dispute has been resolved, the court is usually bound to follow the reasoning used in the prior decision (a principle known as stare decisis). If, however, the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from all previous cases, and legislative statutes are either silent or ambiguous on the question, judges have the authority and duty to resolve the issue. The court states an opinion that gives reasons for the decision, and those reasons agglomerate with past decisions as precedent to bind future judges and litigants. Common law, as the body of law made by judges, stands in contrast to and on equal footing with statutes, which are adopted through the legislative process, and regulations, which are promulgated by the executive branch. – Wikipedia: Common Law
When a case
arises for which no valid law can be adduced, then the lawful men or doomsmen will
make new law in the belief that what they are making is good old law, not
indeed expressly handed-down, but tacitly existent. They do not, therefore, create
the law: they 'discover' it. Any particular judgement in court, which we regard
as a particular inference from a general established legal rule, was to the
medieval mind in no way distinguishable from the legislative activity of the
community; in both cases a law hidden but already existing is discovered, not
created. – F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty: Volume 1: 4 The Changing
Concept of Law
(有効な法が提示できない事案が発生した場合は、法を守る人や裁判官は、自分たちが作っているのは、成程はっきりとは伝えられていないが、暗黙のうちに存在している古き良き法だと信じて、新しい法律を作るだろう。それ故、彼らは法を創るのではなく、「発見」するのである。私たちが一般的な、従来の法のルールからの特別な推定と見做す、法廷における如何なる特定の判決も、中世の考え方では、共同体の立法活動と何ら区別されなかった。どちらの場合も、隠れてはいたが既に存在していた法が発見されるのであって、創られるのではない)―ハイエク『法と自由』:第1巻 4 変わりゆく法の概念
The freedom
of the British which in the eighteenth century the rest of Europe came so much
to admire was thus not, as the British themselves were among the first to
believe and as Montesquieu later taught the world, originally a product of the
separation of powers between legislature and executive, but rather a result of
the fact that the law that governed the decisions of the courts was the common
law, a law existing independently of anyone's will and at the same time binding
upon and developed by the independent courts; a law with which parliament only
rarely interfered and, when it did, mainly only to clear up doubtful points
within a given body of law. One might even say that a sort of separation of
powers had grown up in England, not because the 'legislature' alone made law,
but because it did not: because the law was determined by courts independent of
the power which organized and directed government, the power namely of what was
misleadingly called the 'legislature'. – Ibid.