

Before anything can be reasoned upon to a conclusion, certain facts, principles, or data, to reason from, must be established, admitted, or denied. Mr. Burke with his usual outrage, abused the Declaration of the Rights of Man, published by the National Assembly of France, as the basis on which the constitution of France is built. This he calls “paltry and blurred sheets of paper about the rights of man.” –- Thomas Paine, Rights of Man



Does Mr. Burke mean to deny that man has any rights? If he does, then he must mean that there are no such things as rights anywhere, and that he has none himself; for who is there in the world but man? – Ibid.



But if Mr. Burke means to admit that man has rights, the question then will be: What are those rights, and how man came by them originally? – Ibid.

(しかし、バーク氏が人間に権利があることを認めようというのなら、問題は、その時、その権利とは何か、そして人間がもともとどのようにしてその権利を手に入れたのか、ということになるだろう)― 同


The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is that they do not go far enough into antiquity. They do not go the whole way. They stop in some of the intermediate stages of an hundred or a thousand years, and produce what was then done, as a rule for the present day. This is no authority at all. – Ibid.

(人間の権利について、古代から引き出された先例によって推論する人々の間違いは、古代に十分踏み込んでいないことだ。彼らは全部の道を行くわけではない。彼らは、百年あるいは千年の中間段階で立ち止まり、当時行われたことを現代の規則として作り出す。これでは全く権威がない)― 同


If we travel still farther into antiquity, we shall find a direct contrary opinion and practice prevailing; and if antiquity is to be authority, a thousand such authorities may be produced, successively contradicting each other; but if we proceed on, we shall at last come out right; we shall come to the time when man came from the hand of his Maker. What was he then? Man. Man was his high and only title, and a higher cannot be given him. – Ibid.

(さらに古代に遡(さかのぼ)ると、率直な反対意見や慣習が広まっていることに気付くだろう。もし古代を権威とするならば、千のそういった権威が作り出され、引き続き、互いに矛盾するかもしれない。しかし、さらに進むと、ついに正しい結論に達するだろう。その時、彼は何だったのか。人間です。人間は、高くて唯一の権利であり、これ以上の称号を与えることはできない)― 同





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
