
The resemblances between Burke and Hume have been summarized by H. B. Acton in these words: "From Hume to Edmund Burke the transition is smooth and easy. There is a common repudiation of abstract reason in politics, a common emphasis on nuances and gradual transitions, and a common insistence on prescription. Even Burke's support of 'prejudice' is continuous with Hume's support of 'the most useful Byasses and Instincts,' but, in including religion among the valuable prejudices, Burke adopts a position that Hume must have repudiated." -- Francis P. Canavan, The political Reason of Edmund Burke, p. 42



where popular authority is absolute and unrestrained, the people have an infinitely greater, because a far better founded, confidence in their own power. They are themselves in a great measure their own instruments. They are nearer to their objects. Besides, they are less under responsibility to one of the greatest controlling powers on earth, the sense of fame and estimation. The share of infamy that is likely to fall to the lot of each individual in public acts is small indeed: the operation of opinion being in the inverse ratio to the number of those who abuse power. Their own approbation of their own acts has to them the appearance of a public judgment in their favor.

(民衆の権力が絶対かつ無制限である場合、民衆は、根拠が遥かに確かなので、自分たちの権力を限りなく大層信じます。民衆は、大いに、自分自身の道具なのです。民衆は、自分たちの目標にさらに近付きます。その上、この世で最も大きな支配力の1つである名声や評判の感覚に対する義務が希薄化します。公の行為で各個人全体に降りかかる可能性のある悪評の負担は、確かに取るに足りません。世論の作用は、権力を乱用する者の数に反比例しています。自分の行為を自分で称讃することは、彼らにとって、自分に有利な世間の判断のように見えるのです)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 119


A perfect democracy is therefore the most shameless thing in the world. As it is the most shameless, it is also the most fearless. No man apprehends in his person that he can be made subject to punishment. Certainly the people at large never ought: for, as all punishments are for example towards the conservation of the people at large, the people at large can never become the subject of punishment by any human hand. It is therefore of infinite importance that they should not be suffered to imagine that their will, any more than that of kings, is the standard of right and wrong.

(完璧な民主主義は、それゆえ、世界で最も恥知らずなものなのです。最も恥知らずであると同時に、最も恐れを知りません。自分が処罰の対象になり得ることを自ら心配する人は誰もいません。確かに、民衆全体は決してそうなりません。というのは、すべての処罰は、例えば、民衆全体を保護するためのものなのであって、民衆全体は、如何なる人間の手による処罰の対象とは決してならないからです。したがって、自分たちの意志が、国王の意志以上に、善悪の基準であるなどと思わせないようにすることが、極めて重要なのです)― cf. 半澤訳、同





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
