
They ought to be persuaded that they are full as little entitled, and far less qualified, with safety to themselves, to use any arbitrary power whatsoever; that therefore they are not, under a false show of liberty, but in truth to exercise an unnatural, inverted domination, tyrannically to exact from those who officiate in the state, not an entire devotion to their interest, which is their right, but an abject submission to their occasional will: extinguishing thereby, in all those who serve them, all moral principle, all sense of dignity, all use of judgment, and all consistency of character; whilst by the very same process they give themselves up a proper, a suitable, but a most contemptible prey to the servile ambition of popular sycophants or courtly flatterers.

(彼らが説かれるべきは、彼らには、自分たちが安全なまま、如何なる恣意(しい)的権力をも行使する全く同等の権限もなければ、遥かに少ない資格しかないということです。したがって、自由の偽りの見せかけの下で、実際は不自然にも逆に支配し、彼らの権利である自分たちの利益へすべてを捧げるのではなく、彼らの時々の意志、それによって、彼らに仕えるすべての人々の、すべての道徳的原則、すべての尊厳感、すべての判断力の行使、すべての人格の一貫性を消滅させ、まさに同じ過程で、彼らは自分自身を、適切ではあるが、非常に卑屈な餌食として、人気のあるゴマすりや礼儀正しいおべっか使いに差し出している彼らの意志に惨(みじ)めに屈従することを、国家を司る者たちに、暴虐非道に強要してはならないということです)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 119f

When the people have emptied themselves of all the lust of selfish will, which without religion it is utterly impossible they ever should, — when they are conscious that they exercise, and exercise perhaps in a higher link of the order of delegation, the power which to be legitimate must be according to that eternal, immutable law in which will and reason are the same, — they will be more careful how they place power in base and incapable hands.

(宗教がなければ到底不可能なのですが、国民が、すべての利己的な意志の欲望を出して自らを空(から)っぽにしたとき、すなわち、正当であるためには、意志と理性が同じであるあの永遠で不変の法則に従わなければならない権力を自分たちは行使する、おそらくより高い委任序列の繋がりで行使すると自覚したとき、彼らは権力を卑劣で無能な手に如何に委ねるかにもっと注意深くなるでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 120


What happens is a continual surrender of himself as he is at the moment to something which is more valuable. The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality. There remains to define this process of depersonalization and its relation to the sense of tradition. It is in this depersonalization that art may be said to approach the condition of science. -- T. S. ELIOT, Tradition and the Individual Talent



 夏目漱石は、「大正六年文章日記」の1月の扉に、「則天去私」(天に則(のっと)って私心を捨てること。 我執(がしゅう)を捨てて自然に身を委ねること)と書いた。




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
