And first of all, the science of jurisprudence, the pride of the human intellect, which, with all its defects, redundancies, and errors, is the collected reason of ages, combining the principles of original justice with the infinite variety of human concerns, as a heap of old exploded errors, would be no longer studied. Personal selfsufficiency and arrogance (the certain attendants upon all those who have never experienced a wisdom greater than their own) would usurp the
cf. 半澤訳、p. 121
Of course
no certain laws, establishing invariable grounds of hope and fear, would keep
the actions of men in a certain course, or direct them to a certain end.
Nothing stable in the modes of holding property or exercising function could
form a solid ground on which any parent could speculate in the education of his
offspring, or in a choice for their future establishment in the world. No
principles would be early worked into the habits.
cf. 半澤訳、pp. 121f
As soon as
the most able instructor had completed his laborious course of institution, instead
of sending forth his pupil accomplished in a virtuous discipline fitted to
procure him attention and respect in his place in society, he would find
everything altered, and that he had turned out a poor creature to the contempt and
derision of the world, ignorant of the true grounds of estimation.
cf. 半澤訳、p. 122
Who would
insure a tender and delicate sense of honor to beat almost with the first
pulses of the heart, when no man could know what would be the test of honor in
a nation continually varying the standard of its coin? No part of life would
retain its acquisitions. Barbarism with regard to science and literature,
unskilfulness with regard to arts and manufactures, would infallibly succeed to
the want of a steady education and settled principle; and thus the commonwealth
itself would in a few generations crumble away, be disconnected into the dust
and powder of individuality, and at length dispersed to all the winds of
cf. 半澤訳、同
(聖人は、既に目の力をもちい竭(つく)してより、これに継ぐに規(ぶんまわし)矩(さしがね)準(みずもり)繩(すみなわ)を以ってして、方(しかく)や員(まる)や平かさや直(なお)さを為(つく)りければ、つくれるもの勝(みな)は用うべからざるなり。既に耳の力をもちい竭してより、これに継ぐに6つの律を以ってして、5つの音を正しければ、ただせるもの勝は用うべからざるなり。既に心思をもちい竭してより、これに継ぐに人に忍びざるの政を以ってしたれば、仁は天下を覆えり。故に『高きを為るには必ず丘陵に因り、下きを為るには必ず川沢に因る。』ともいえり。政を為(な)すには先王の道に因らざれば、智と謂うべけんや)―金谷治『新訂中国古典選 第5巻 孟子』(朝日新聞社)、p. 217