
With the National Assembly of France possession is nothing, law and usage are nothing. I see the National Assembly openly reprobate the doctrine of prescription, which one of the greatest of their own lawyers tells us, with great truth, is a part of the law of Nature. He tells us that the positive ascertainment of its limits, and its security from invasion, were among the causes for which civil society itself has been instituted. If prescription be once shaken, no species of property is secure, when it once becomes an object large enough to tempt the cupidity of indigent power.

(フランス国民議会にとって、所有権は無価値であり、法律や慣習も無価値である。国民議会は、貴国の法律家の中で最も偉大な1人が、大いなる真理で、自然法の一部であると説く、時効の原則を公然と非難しておられます。彼は、実定的に時効の限界を確認し、時効が侵害されることから守ることが、民営社会そのものが制定された理由の1つであったと説きます。時効が一度(ひとたび)揺らげば、如何なる類の財産も、窮乏した権力の貪欲を唆(そそのか)すのに十分大きなものとなるや、安全ではなくなるのです)― cf. 『フランス革命の省察』半澤訳、p. 190


our Constitution is a prescriptive Constitution; it is a Constitution, whose sole authority is, that it has existed time out of mind. – Edmund Burke, Speech on the Reform of the Representation of the Commons in Parliament


Your King, your Lords, your Judges, your Juries, grand and little, all are prescriptive; and what proves it, is, the disputes not yet concluded, and never near becoming so, when any of them first, originated. Prescription is the most solid of all titles, not only to property, but, which is to secure that property, to Government. – Ibid.

(皆さんの王、皆さんの領主、皆さんの裁判官、皆さんの大小の陪審員、すべてが時効です。それを証明するのは、これらのどれかが最初に発生したとき、まだ結論が出ておらず、そうなりそうにもなかった紛争です。時効は、財産に対するだけでなく、その財産を政府に対して保証するための、すべての権限の中で最も強固なものなのです)― 同



105  This doctrine of prescription is susceptible of, and received in the hands of Burke, two very different interpretations. Stated crudely, it resembles but too closely the doctrine of all obstructive politicians. It is a version of the saying, 'Whatever is, is right’; the consecration of the absolute immobility, and the antithesis of a belief in progress. --;Leslie Stephen, The History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, Vol.2








ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
