He is not deserving to rank high, or even to be mentioned in the order of great statesmen, who, having obtained the command and direction of such a power as existed in the wealth, the discipline, and the habits of such corporations as those which you have rashly destroyed, cannot find any way of converting it to the great and lasting benefit of his country.
(貴方方が軽率に破壊してしまったような企業の富、規律、習慣に内在するような力の指揮監督権を手に入れても、それを大きく永続的な自国の利益に転換する方法を何も見付けられないような人物は、偉大な政治家の序列上位に相応しくありませんし、そこに名を連ねる価値さえありません)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 198
On the view of
this subject, a thousand uses suggest themselves to a contriving mind. To
destroy any power growing wild from the rank productive force of the human mind
is almost tantamount, in the moral world, to the destruction of the apparently
active properties of bodies in the material. It would be like the attempt to destroy
(if it were in our competence to destroy) the expansive force of fixed air in
nitre, or the power of steam, or of electricity, or of magnetism. These
energies always existed in Nature, and they were always discernible.
They seemed, some
of them unserviceable, some noxious, some no better than a sport to children, —until
contemplative ability, combining with practic skill, tamed their wild nature,
subdued them to use, and rendered them at once the most powerful and the most
tractable agents, in subservience to the great views and designs of men.
それらは、あるものは役に立たず、あるものは有害で、あるものは高々子供の遊び道具に過ぎないように思われましたが、やがて観照力が実用技術と結び付き、野生を手懐(てなず)け、これらのエネルギーを使えるように支配し、人間の偉大なる見解や計画に服従する、最も強力かつ最も御し易い因子としたのです)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 198f
You derive
benefits from many dispositions and many passions of the human mind which are
of as doubtful a color, in the moral eye, as superstition itself. It was your
business to correct and mitigate everything which was noxious in this passion,
as in all the passions. But is superstition the greatest of all possible vices?
In its possible excess I think it becomes a very great evil. It is, however, a
moral subject, and of course admits of all degrees and all modifications.
(貴方方は、精神的な目で、迷信自体と同じくらい疑わしい色合いをした人間精神の多くの気質と多くの情熱から利益を得ています。すべての情熱と同様に、この情熱中のあらゆる有害なものを是正し緩和することが貴方方の務めでした。しかし、迷信はすべての考えられる悪徳の中で最大の悪徳なのでしょうか。迷信が仮に過剰になれば、非常に大きな悪になると思います。しかしながら、それは精神の問題ですから、勿論、すべての程度とすべての修正の余地があります)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 199