In every prosperous community something more is produced than goes to the immediate support of the producer. This surplus forms the income of the landed capitalist. It will be spent by a proprietor who does not labor. But this idleness is itself the spring of labor, this repose the spur to industry. The only concern for the state is, that the capital taken in rent from the land should be returned again to the industry from whence it came, and that its expenditure should be with the least possible detriment to the morals of those who expend it and to those of the people to whom it is returned.
(繁栄する共同体ならどこでも、生産者を直接養うよりも多くのものが生産されます。この余剰は、土地所有資本家の所得を形成します。それは、労働しない所有権者によって費(つい)やされます。しかし、この怠惰は、それ自体が労働の源泉であり、この休息は産業を刺激します。国家の関心事は、土地から地代で得た資本を、その出所である勤勉に再び戻すこと、そしてその支出が、それを支出する人々の精神と、それが戻される人々の精神とを、出来るだけ損なわないものにすることだけです)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 201
In all the views
of receipt, expenditure, and personal employment, a sober legislator would
carefully compare the possessor whom he was recommended to expel with the
stranger who was proposed to fill his place. Before the inconveniences are
incurred which must attend all violent revolutions in property through
extensive confiscation, we ought to have some rational assurance that the
purchasers of the confiscated property will be in a considerable degree more
laborious, more virtuous, more sober, less disposed to extort an unreasonable
proportion of the gains of the laborer, or to consume on themselves a larger
share than is fit for the measure of an individual, —or that they should be
qualified to dispense the surplus in a more steady and equal mode, so as to
answer the purposes of a politic expenditure, than the old possessors, call
those possessors bishops, or canons, or commendatory abbots, or monks, or what
you please.
(受領、支出、個人的職業のすべての観点において、冷静な立法者は、追放するよう勧告された所有者と、彼の場所を埋めるよう提案された見知らぬ人とを注意深く比較するでしょう。広範な没収による財産権の暴力革命すべてに付き物の不都合を被(こうむ)る前に、没収財産の購入者が、可成り勤勉で、有徳で、冷静で、労働者の利得から不当な割合を巻き上げたり、個人の尺度に相応しい以上の大きな分け前を自ら消費したりする傾向が少なくなるとする、あるいは、旧所有者(司教、修道院長、修道士など、好きなように呼んでもらって構いません)よりも、安定した平等なやり方で、政治的な支出の目的に適(かな)うように余剰分を分配する資格が彼らにあるとするといった何らかの合理的保証があるべきです)― cf. 半澤訳、同
The monks are
lazy. Be it so. Suppose them no otherwise employed than by singing in the
choir. They are as usefully employed as those who neither sing nor say, —as
usefully even as those who sing upon the stage. They are as usefully employed
as if they worked from dawn to dark in the innumerable servile, degrading,
unseemly, unmanly, and often most unwholesome and pestiferous occupations to
which by the social economy so many wretches are inevitably doomed.
(修道士は怠惰です。それならそれで構いません。聖歌隊で歌うこと以外に、彼らに仕事がないとしましょう。彼らは、歌いも語りもしない人々と同じくらい、舞台で歌う人々とさえ同じくらい、役に立つ仕事をしています。社会経済上、非常に多くの気の毒な人々が就くことを避けられない、無数の奴隷的で、下劣な、見苦しい、男らしくない、そして、しばしば最も不健全で危険な職業で、夜明けから夕暮れまで働くかのように、彼らは役に立つ仕事をしています)― cf. 半澤訳、pp. 201f
If it were not
generally pernicious to disturb the natural course of things, and to impede in
any degree the great wheel of circulation which is turned by the strangely
directed labor of these unhappy people, I should be infinitely more inclined
forcibly to rescue them from their miserable industry than violently to disturb
the tranquil repose of monastic quietude. Humanity, and perhaps policy, might better
justify me in the one than in the other.
(もし、自然の推移を乱し、これらの不幸な人々の未知の指示に従った労働によって回されている循環の大輪を少しでも妨げることが概して悪でないのなら、修道院の静寂の長閑(のどか)な平和を激しく乱すこととは比べものにならないほど、私は、彼らを悲惨な産業から力ずくで救い出したい。人道的にも、おそらく賢明さにおいても、前者よりも後者の方が私を正当だと見做すことでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 202
It is a subject on
which I have often reflected, and never reflected without feeling from it. I am
sure that no consideration, except the necessity of submitting to the yoke of
luxury and the despotism of fancy, who in their own imperious way will
distribute the surplus product of the soil, can justify the toleration of such
trades and employments in a well-regulated state. But for this purpose of
distribution, it seems to me that the idle expenses of monks are quite as well
directed as the idle expenses of us lay loiterers.
これは、私が何度も考え、考えれば必ず同情してきた問題です。自分たち独自の横柄なやり方で、土地の余剰生産物を分配する、贅沢の軛(くびき)と空想の専制に従う必要以外に、どう考えても、統制のとれた国家で、このような仕事を容認することは正当化できないと私は確信しています。しかし、この分配のために、修道士の無駄な費用も、我々一般ののらくら者の無駄な費用とまったく同じくらいきちんと方向付けられているように私には思われるのです)― cf. 半澤訳、同