They find, that, by the laws of Nature, the occupant and subduer of the soil is the true proprietor, —that there is no prescription against Nature, —and that the agreements (where any there are) which have been made with the landlords during the time of slavery are only the effect of duresse and force, —and that, when the people reëntered into the rights of men, those agreements were made as void as everything else which had been settled under the prevalence of the old feudal and aristocratic tyranny. They will tell you that they see no difference between an idler with a hat and a national cockade and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet.
(彼らは、自然の法則では、土地の占有者と支配者が真の所有者であり、自然の摂理に反する時効は存在せず、奴隷の身分の時代に地主と結ばれた(どんな)協定(であれある場合)は、強迫と力の結果に過ぎず、人々が再び人間の権利を得ると、それらの協定は、古い封建的で貴族的専制政治が優勢な状態で結ばれた他のあらゆるものと同様に無効とされたことを知るのです。彼らは、帽子と国の花形帽章の怠け者と、カウルとロシェトゥムの怠け者との間に何の違いもないと言うでしょう)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 283
If you ground the
title to rents on succession and prescription, they tell you from the speech of
M. Camus, published by the National Assembly for their information, that things
ill begun cannot avail themselves of prescription, —that the title of those
lords was vicious in its origin, —and that force is at least as bad as fraud.
As to the title by succession, they will tell you that the succession of those
who have cultivated the soil is the true pedigree of property, and not rotten
parchments and silly substitutions, —that the lords have enjoyed their usurpation
too long, —and that, if they allow to these lay monks any charitable pension,
they ought to be thankful to the bounty of the true proprietor, who is so
generous towards a false claimant to his goods.
cf. 半澤訳、同
As all great
qualities of the mind which operate in public, and are not merely suffering and
passive, require force for their display, I had almost said for their
unequivocal existence, the revenue, which is the spring of all power, becomes
in its administration the sphere of every active virtue. Public virtue, being
of a nature magnificent and splendid, instituted for great things, and
conversant about great concerns, requires abundant scope and room, and cannot
spread and grow under confinement, and in circumstances straitened, narrow, and
sordid. Through the revenue alone the body politic can act in its true genius
and character; and therefore it will display just as much of its collective
virtue, and as much of that virtue which may characterize those who move it,
and are, as it were, its life and guiding principle, as it is possessed of a
just revenue. For from hence not only magnanimity, and liberality, and
beneficence, and fortitude, and providence, and the tutelary protection of all
good arts derive their food, and the growth of their organs, but continence,
and self-denial, and labor, and vigilance, and frugality, and whatever else
there is in which the mind shows itself above the appetite, are nowhere more in
their proper element than in the provision and distribution of the public
(公共で働き、単なる苦しみでも受動的でもないすべての偉大な精神的特性は、それを示すのに力を必要とするので、その明確な存在にとって、すべての力の源泉である歳入は、その管理において、あらゆる美徳が活動できる領域になると私は言わんばかりでした。公共の美徳は、壮大で華麗な性質を持ち、偉大なもののために設けられ、大きな利害に関係するので、十分な範囲と場所を必要とし、範囲が限られ、狭く、汚い環境では広がり成長することは出来ません。歳入を通じてのみ、政体はその真の才能と特徴を発揮でき、したがって、正当な歳入を持っている分だけ、その集団の美徳とそれを動かす人々を特徴付けるかもしれない謂わばその生命と指導原理である美徳が発揮されるでしょう。というのは、ここから、寛大、寛容、慈善、堅忍、倹約などすべての良き技芸の後見的保護が、その糧(かて)と器官の成長を得るだけでなく、自制、自己否定、努力、用心、質素、その他精神が欲望よりも発揮されるあらゆるものが、公共の富を備え分配するほどには、その本来の要素とはならないからです)― cf. 半澤訳、p. 288f