
Thus have I, fellow-citizens, executed the task I had assigned to myself; with what success, your conduct must determine. I trust at least you will admit that I have not failed in the assurance I gave you respecting the spirit with which my endeavors should be conducted. I have addressed myself purely to your judgments, and have studiously avoided those asperities which are too apt to disgrace political disputants of all parties, and which have been not a little provoked by the language and conduct of the opponents of the Constitution. The charge of a conspiracy against the liberties of the people, which has been indiscriminately brought against the advocates of the plan, has something in it too wanton and too malignant, not to excite the indignation of every man who feels in his own bosom a refutation of the calumny. -- FEDERALIST 85, Conclusion: Alexander Hamilton

(このように、同胞の皆さん、私は自らに課した任務を遂行致しました。どれほど上手く行ったかに就(つ)きましては、皆さんの行動如何に掛かっています。少なくとも、私が努力する際の心持ちについて、皆さんにお約束したことに間違いはなかったと認めて頂けるものと信じております。私は、純粋に皆さんの判断に注意を傾け、すべての党の政治論争者を余りにも貶(おとし)めがちで、憲法反対派の言動によって少なからず挑発された辛辣(しんらつ)な言葉を努めて避けて参りました。計画の提唱者たちに対して見境なく浴びせられた、人民の自由に対する陰謀的非難は、理不尽で悪質に過ぎ、その中傷に反論せんと胸中思っておらるあらゆる人の怒りを買わないわけには参りません)― フェデラリスト85:結語:ハミルトン

The perpetual changes which have been rung upon the wealthy, the well-born, and the great, have been such as to inspire the disgust of all sensible men. And the unwarrantable concealments and misrepresentations which have been in various ways practiced to keep the truth from the public eye, have been of a nature to demand the reprobation of all honest men. It is not impossible that these circumstances may have occasionally betrayed me into intemperances of expression which I did not intend; it is certain that I have frequently felt a struggle between sensibility and moderation; and if the former has in some instances prevailed, it must be my excuse that it has been neither often nor much. – Ibid.

(裕福な人々、良家の人々、偉大な人々について絶え間なく言い方を変えることは、分別のある人々すべてに嫌悪感を抱かせるようなものでありました。また、真実を世間の目から遠ざけるために、様々な方法で行われてきた不当な隠蔽や虚偽表示は、正直な人々すべての非難を浴びるような性質のものでありました。このような状況が、時折私を裏切って、意図しない放縦な表現に走らせた可能性がないわけではありません。感性と節度との間で葛藤することもしばしばであったのも確かです。そして、もし前者が、場合によっては、勝ったとしても、そうそうなく、大したものでもなかったというのが私の言い訳となるでしょう)― 同

Let us now pause and ask ourselves whether, in the course of these papers, the proposed Constitution has not been satisfactorily vindicated from the aspersions thrown upon it; and whether it has not been shown to be worthy of the public approbation, and necessary to the public safety and prosperity. Every man is bound to answer these questions to himself, according to the best of his conscience and understanding, and to act agreeably to the genuine and sober dictates of his judgment. This is a duty from which nothing can give him a dispensation.


'T is one that he is called upon, nay, constrained by all the obligations that form the bands of society, to discharge sincerely and honestly. No partial motive, no particular interest, no pride of opinion, no temporary passion or prejudice, will justify to himself, to his country, or to his posterity, an improper election of the part he is to act. Let him beware of an obstinate adherence to party; let him reflect that the object upon which he is to decide is not a particular interest of the community, but the very existence of the nation; and let him remember that a majority of America has already given its sanction to the plan which he is to approve or reject.





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
