
The nearer we come to our own times the more difficult it is to assess objectively the value of our cultural impulses. More and more doubts arise as to whether our occupations are pursued in play or in earnest, and with the doubts comes the uneasy feeling of hypocrisy, as though the only thing we can be certain of is make-believe. But we should remember that this precarious balance between seriousness and pretence is an unmistakable and integral part of culture as such, and that the play-factor lies at the heart of all ritual and religion. So that we must always fall back on this lasting ambiguity, which only becomes really troublesome in cultural phenomena of a non-ritualistic kind. There is nothing to prevent us from interpreting a cultural phenomenon that takes itself with marked seriousness, therefore, as play. But insofar as Romanticism and kindred movements are divorced from ritual we shall inevitably, in our assessment of them, be assailed by the most vexing ambiguities. -- J. HUIZINGA, Homo Ludens



したがって、自らを著しく深刻に受け止める文化現象を遊びと解釈することを妨げるものは何もありません。しかし、浪漫主義やそれに類する運動が儀式から切り離されている限りにおいて、それらを評価する際、最も厄介な曖昧さに襲われるのは必定(ひつじょう)です)―ホイジンガ『ホモ・ルーデンス』、cf. 高橋訳、p. 320

The 19th century seems to leave little room for play. Tendencies running directly counter to all that we mean by play have become increasingly dominant. Even in the 18th century utilitarianism, prosaic efficiency and the bourgeois ideal of social welfare -- all fatal to the Baroque -- had bitten deep into society. These tendencies were exacerbated by the Industrial Revolution and its conquests in the field of technology. Work and production became the ideal, and then the idol, of the age. All Europe donned the boiler-suit. Henceforth the dominants of civilization were to be social consciousness, educational aspirations, and scientific judgement.  – Ibid.

(19世紀は、遊びの余地を殆ど残していないように思われます。遊びを意味するすべてに真っ向から対立する傾向がますます優勢になったのです。18世紀でさえ、功利主義、退屈な効率主義、ブルジョア的な社会福祉の理想は、バロック時代にはすべて致命的でしたが、社会深くに腐食していました。こうした傾向は、産業革命とその技術分野の征服によって悪化しました。仕事と生産は時代の理想となり、やがて偶像となりました。全ヨーロッパが作業着を身に付けました。この後、文明の主役は、社会意識、教育熱、科学的判断ということになりました)―同、cf. 高橋訳、p. 321


With the enormous development of industrial power, advancing from the steam-engine to electricity, the illusion gains ground that progress consists in the exploitation of solar energy. As a result of this luxation of our intellects the shameful misconception of Marxism could be put about and even believed, that economic forces and material interests determine the course of the world. This grotesque over-estimation of the economic factor was conditioned by our worship of technological progress, which was itself the fruit of rationalism and utilitarianism after they had killed the mysteries and acquitted man of guilt and sin. But they had forgotten to free him of folly and myopia, and he seemed only fit to mould the world after the pattern of his own banality.  – Ibid.





ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策

