Modern social life is being dominated to an ever-increasing extent by a quality that has something in common with play and yields the illusion of a strongly developed play-factor. This quality I have ventured to call by the name of Puerilism, as being the most appropriate appellation for that blend of adolescence and barbarity which has been rampant all over the world for the last two or three decades. -- J. HUIZINGA, Homo Ludens
(現代の社会生活は、遊びと共通点を持ち、遊びの要因が強く発達したかのような錯覚を生むある性質にますます支配されつつあります。この性質は、ここ2、30年、世界中に蔓延した思春期と野蛮の融合に最も相応しい呼称であるとして、私は敢えて「小児症」という名前で呼ぶことにしています)―ホイジンガ『ホモ・ルーデンス』、cf. 高橋訳、pp. 339f
Puerilism we shall
call the attitude of a community whose behaviour is more immature than the
state of its intellectual and critical faculties would warrant, which instead
of making the boy into the man adapts its conduct to that of the adolescent
age. – Huizinga In the Shadow of Tomorrow, Translated from the Dutch by
With great numbers
of both the educated and the ignorant, the play-attitude towards life of the
adolescent has become permanent. At an earlier stage we have already alluded to
the prevalence of a state of mind which might be called one of permanent
adolescence. It is characterised by a lack of sense of decorum, a lack of
personal dignity and of respect for others and the opinions of others, and an
excessive concentration on self. The general weakening of judgment and of the
critical impulse has prepared the soil for the spread of this attitude. – Ibid.
In making mention
of the contamination of play and seriousness in modern life, we enter upon a fundamental
problem of culture which cannot be investigated in this book. The phenomenon
shows itself partly in a semi-serious attitude towards work, duty, fate and
life, partly in the attribution of great importance to what a clear judgment
would qualify as trivial, and in the treatment of truly important things with
the instincts and gestures of play. – Ibid.
It would seem as
if the mentality and conduct of the adolescent now reigned supreme over large
areas of civilized life which had formerly been the province of responsible
adults. The habits I have in mind are, in themselves, as old as the world; the
difference lies in the place they now occupy in our civilization and the brutality
with which they manifest themselves. Of these habits that of gregariousness is
perhaps the strongest and most alarming. It results in puerilism of the lowest
order: yells or other signs of greeting, the wearing of badges and sundry items
of political haberdashery, walking in marching order or at a special pace and
the whole rigmarole of collective voodoo and mumbo-jumbo. – Huizinga, Homo
(以前は責任ある大人の領域であった広範囲の文明の生に、今や思春期の精神と行動が君臨しているかのように思われるでしょう。私の念頭にある習慣は、それ自体、世の中と同じくらいの古さがあります。その違いは、それらが今、現代文明に占めている場所と、それらが現れる残忍さにあります。これらの習性のうち、「群れを作る習性」は、おそらく最強であり、最も警戒すべきです。怒鳴り声などの挨拶のしぐさ、バッジや種々様々な政治的な雑貨小物を身に付けていること、前進命令や特別な歩調で歩くこと、集団的ななおまじないや無意味な宗教全ての訳の分からぬ話などは、最下位の「小児症」を齎(もたら)します)―ホイジンガ『ホモ・ルーデンス』、cf. 高橋訳、p. 340