The man who resents the injuries that have been done to me, and observes that I resent them precisely as he does, necessarily approves of my resentment. The man whose sympathy keeps time to my grief, cannot but admit the reasonableness of my sorrow. He who admires the same poem, or the same picture, and admires them exactly as I do, must surely allow the justness of my admiration.
He who laughs at
the same joke, and laughs along with me, cannot well deny the propriety of my
laughter. On the contrary, the person who, upon these different occasions,
either feels no such emotion as that which I feel, or feels none that bears any
proportion to mine, cannot avoid disapproving my sentiments on account of their
dissonance with his own. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments:1. Part 1 Of the Propriety of Action
Consisting of Three Sections:1.1. Section I Of the
Sense of Propriety:1.1.3. Chap. III Of the manner in
which we judge of the propriety or impropriety of the affections of other men,
by their concord or dissonance with out own.
アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』:第1部 3つの部分から構成される行為の妥当性について:第1編 行為の適宜性について:第3章 他人の愛情が自分の愛情に合うか合わないかで、その妥当性や不適切性を判断する方法について。
If my animosity
goes beyond what the indignation of my friend can correspond to; if my grief
exceeds what his most tender compassion can go along with; if my admiration is
either too high or too low to tally with his own; if I laugh loud and heartily
when he only smiles, or, on the contrary, only smile when he laughs loud and
heartily; in all these cases, as soon as he comes from considering the object,
to observe how I am affected by it, according as there is more or less
disproportion between his sentiments and mine, I must incur a greater or less
degree of his disapprobation: and upon all occasions his own sentiments are the
standards and measures by which he judges of mine. – Ibid.
《私の恨みが、友人の怒りが対応できる限度を超えている場合、私の悲しみが、友人の最も優しい同情に対応できる範囲を超えている場合、私の感嘆が高すぎるか低すぎて、友人の感嘆とは一致しない場合、友人がただ微笑(ほほえ)むだけなのに私が大声で心から笑うか、逆に、友人が大声で心から笑うのに私がただ微笑むだけである場合、このような場合はすべて、友人がその動機を考えてから、私がそれにどう影響されるかを観るとすぐに、友人の感情と私の感情が多かれ少なかれ不釣り合いとなるに応じて、私は多かれ少なかれ友人の反感を買わねばならない。すべての場合において、友人自身の感情が、友人が私の感情を判断する尺度・基準になるのである》― 同