
The man who is conscious to himself that he has exactly observed those measures of conduct which experience informs him are generally agreeable, reflects with satisfaction on the propriety of his own behaviour. When he views it in the light in which the impartial spectator would view it, he thoroughly enters into all the motives which influenced it. He looks back upon every part of it with pleasure and approbation, and though mankind should never be acquainted with what he has done, he regards himself, not so much according to the light in which they actually regard him, as according to that in which they would regard him if they were better informed. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments3.1.2. Chap. II

《経験上、一般的に好ましいとされる行動基準を厳守してきたと自覚している人は、自分の行動が適切であったことを満足げに振り返る。公平な観察者が視る観点で視るとき、彼はそれに影響を与えたすべての動機を徹底的に考察する。彼はそのあらゆる部分を、喜びと称賛をもって振り返る。人間は自分のしてきたことを決して知るはずはないのだろうけれども、彼は自分自身を、人々が実際に彼を見る見方によってではなく、もっと情報に通じていたら彼を見るであろう見方によって見るのである》― アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第3部:第2章

He anticipates the applause and admiration which in this case would be bestowed upon him, and he applauds and admires himself by sympathy with sentiments, which do not indeed actually take place, but which the ignorance of the public alone hinders from taking place, which he knows are the natural and ordinary effects of such conduct, which his imagination strongly connects with it, and which he has acquired a habit of conceiving as something that naturally and in propriety ought to follow from it. – Ibid.

《彼は、この場合、自分に与えられるであろう称賛を予期し、なるほど実際に起こるわけではないが気付かない大衆だけには起こらず、このような行為の自然で普通の結果であることを彼が分かっており、彼の想像力がこの行為と強く結び付いており、彼が自然かつ適切にこの行為から生じるはずのものとして考える習慣を身に付けている感情に共感することによって、自分自身を称賛するのである》― 同

Men have voluntarily thrown away life to acquire after death a renown which they could no longer enjoy. Their imagination, in the mean time, anticipated that fame which was in future times to be bestowed upon them. Those applauses which they were never to hear rung in their ears; the thoughts of that admiration, whose effects they were never to feel, played about their hearts, banished from their breasts the strongest of all natural fears, and transported them to perform actions which seem almost beyond the reach of human nature. But in point of reality there is surely no great difference between that approbation which is not to be bestowed till we can no longer enjoy it, and that which, indeed, is never to be bestowed, but which would be bestowed, if the world was ever made to understand properly the real circumstances of our behaviour. If the one often produces such violent effects, we cannot wonder that the other should always be highly regarded. – Ibid.

《人は、最早(もはや)享受できない名声を死後に獲得するために自ら命を投げうってきた。その間、彼らは心の中で、未来の時代に、自分に名声が与えられることを期待した。決して聞こえはしない喝采が耳に鳴り響き、効果が決して感じられはしない称賛の思いが胸を駆け巡り、あらゆる自然な恐れの中で最強の恐れを胸から追い払い、ほとんど人間の本性の力の及ばないような行為を行うように彼らを駆り立てたのである。しかし、現実的には、最早享受できなくなるまで与えられることのない称賛と、なるほど決して与えられることはないが、もし世間が私達の行動の本当の状況を正しく理解させられれば、与えられるようになる称賛との間には、きっと大差はないはずである。後者がしばしばこのような著しい効果を齎(もたら)すのであれば、前者が常に高く評価されても不思議ではない》― 同



オルテガ『大衆の反逆』(10) 疑うことを知らぬ人達

ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
