Nature, when she formed man for society, endowed him with an original desire to please, and an original aversion to offend his brethren. She taught him to feel pleasure in their favourable, and pain in their unfavourable regard. She rendered their approbation most flattering and most agreeable to him for its own sake; and their disapprobation most mortifying and most offensive. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II
But this desire of
the approbation, and this aversion to the disapprobation of his brethren, would
not alone have rendered him fit for that society for which he was made. Nature,
accordingly, has endowed him, not only with a desire of being approved of, but
with a desire of being what ought to be approved of; or of being what he
himself approves of in other men. – Ibid.
The first desire could only have made him wish to appear to be fit for society. The second was necessary in order to render him anxious to be really fit. The first could only have prompted him to the affectation of virtue, and to the concealment of vice. The second was necessary in order to inspire him with the real love of virtue, and with the real abhorrence of vice.
In every well-formed mind this second desire
seems to be the strongest of the two. It is only the weakest and most
superficial of mankind who can be much delighted with that praise which they
themselves know to be altogether unmerited. A weak man may sometimes be pleased
with it, but a wise man rejects it upon all occasions. – Ibid.
《第1の欲求は、人間が社会に相応(ふさわ)しいように見えることを望ませるだけであった。第2の欲求は、人間が本当に相応しくなりたいと願うようにするために必要だった。 第1の欲求は、人間に美徳を装ったり、悪徳を隠蔽したりすることを促すものでしかなかった。第2の欲求は、実際に美徳を愛し、悪徳を嫌悪させるために必要だった。
But, though a wise
man feels little pleasure from praise where he knows there is no
praise-worthiness, he often feels the highest in doing what he knows to be
praise-worthy, though he knows equally well that no praise is ever to be
bestowed upon it. To obtain the approbation of mankind, where no approbation is
due, can never be an object of any importance to him. To obtain that
approbation where it is really due, may sometimes be an object of no great
importance to him. But to be that thing which deserves approbation, must always
be an object of the highest. – Ibid.
《しかし、賢者は、称賛に値するものが何もないと分かっている場合、称賛にほとんど喜びを感じないが、同じように称賛が与えられることはないとよく分かっているにもかかわらず、称賛に値すると分かっていることを行う場合には、最高の喜びを感じることも多い。称賛されるべきでない場面で、人の称賛を得ることは、賢者にとって重要な目的では決して有り得ない。実際称賛されるべき場面で称賛を得ることは、時として何ら彼にとって重要な目的では有り得ないかもしれない。しかし、是認に値するものとなることは、常に最高の目的でなければならない》― 同