To desire, or even to accept of praise, where no praise is due, can be the effect only of the most contemptible vanity. To desire it where it is really due, is to desire no more than that a most essential act of justice should be done to us. The love of just fame, of true glory, even for its own sake, and independent of any advantage which he can derive from it, is not unworthy even of a wise man. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II
He sometimes,
however, neglects, and even despises it; and he is never more apt to do so than
when he has the most perfect assurance of the perfect propriety of every part
of his own conduct. His self-approbation, in this case, stands in need of no
confirmation from the approbation of other men. It is alone sufficient, and he
is contented with it. This self-approbation, if not the only, is at least the
principal object, about which he can or ought to be anxious. The love of it, is
the love of virtue.
As the love and
admiration which we naturally conceive for some characters, dispose us to wish
to become ourselves the proper objects of such agreeable sentiments; so the
hatred and contempt which we as naturally conceive for others, dispose us,
perhaps still more strongly, to dread the very thought of resembling them in
any respect. Neither is it, in this case, too, so much the thought of being
hated and despised that we are afraid of, as that of being hateful and
despicable. – Ibid.
We dread the
thought of doing any thing which can render us the just and proper objects of
the hatred and contempt of our fellow-creatures; even though we had the most
perfect security that those sentiments were never actually to be exerted
against us. The man who has broke through all those measures of conduct, which
can alone render him agreeable to mankind, though he should have the most
perfect assurance that what he had done was for ever to be concealed from every
human eye, it is all to no purpose. – Ibid.
《たとえ実際に私達に対してそのような感情を抱きはしないというこの上ない保証があったとしても、何であれ、同胞の憎悪と軽蔑の正当で当然の対象となり得ることをするのが頭をよぎるのを恐れる。人間にとって好感を抱かせられる唯一の行動の手段を悉(ことごと)く破ってしまった人間は、自分のしたことがあらゆる人間の目から永遠に隠されるというこの上ない保証があったとしても、全く無駄なことである》― 同