
When he looks back upon it, and views it in the light in which the impartial spectator would view it, he finds that he can enter into none of the motives which influenced it. He is abashed and confounded at the thoughts of it, and necessarily feels a very high degree of that shame which he would be exposed to, if his actions should ever come to be generally known. His imagination, in this case too, anticipates the contempt and derision from which nothing saves him but the ignorance of those he lives with. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments 3.1.2. Chap. II

《自分がしたことを振り返り、公平な観察者がそれを視るであろう見方で視ると、彼はそれに影響を与えた動機のうち、何1つ共感できないことに気付く。そう思って、愕然とし、困惑し、万一自分の行為が一般に知られるようになれば、必然的に、自分が晒(さら)されることになるであろう恥辱の感度が非常に高くなる。この場合にも、彼は頭の中で、共に暮らす人々がそのことを知らないことしか彼を救うものはない軽蔑と嘲笑を予期するのである》― アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第3部:第2章

He still feels that he is the natural object of these sentiments, and still trembles at the thought of what he would suffer, if they were ever actually exerted against him. But if what he had been guilty of was not merely one of those improprieties which are the objects of simple disapprobation, but one of those enormous crimes which excite detestation and resentment, he could never think of it, as long as he had any sensibility left, without feeling all the agony of horror and remorse; 

and though he could be assured that no man was ever to know it, and could even bring himself to believe that there was no God to revenge it, he would still feel enough of both these sentiments to embitter the whole of his life: he would still regard himself as the natural object of the hatred and indignation of all his fellow-creatures; and, if his heart was not grown callous by the habit of crimes, he could not think without terror and astonishment even of the manner in which mankind would look upon him, of what would be the expression of their countenance and of their eyes, if the dreadful truth should ever come to be known. – Ibid.


そして、たとえ誰にもそのことを知られることはないと確信でき、それに復讐しようとする神など存在しないと信じようという気になったとしても、彼は、自分の人生全体を苦しめるのに十分なこの双方の感情を常に感じるであろう。彼は常に、自分自身がすべての同胞の憎悪と憤怒の対象であるのは当然のことだと思い、犯罪が習慣化して彼の心の感覚が麻痺していなければ、恐ろしい真実が知られるようになれば、人々が自分をどのように見るのか、彼らの表情や目はどうなるのかについて考える時はいつも、恐怖し、驚愕するであろう》― 同



オルテガ『大衆の反逆』(10) 疑うことを知らぬ人達

ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
