They were the virtues, perhaps, most suitable to their station, and in which they themselves chiefly excelled; and we are all naturally disposed to over-rate the excellencies of our own characters. In the discourse which the eloquent and philosophical Massillon pronounced, on giving his benediction to the standards of the regiment of Catinat, there is the following address to the officers: 'What is most deplorable in your situation, Gentlemen, is, that in a life hard and painful, in which the services and the duties sometimes go beyond the rigour and severity. of the most austere cloisters; you suffer always in vain for the life to come, and frequently even for this life. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments:3.1.2. Chap. II
Alas! the solitary
monk in his cell, obliged to mortify the flesh and to subject it to the spirit,
is supported by the hope of an assured recompence, and by the secret unction of
that grace which softens the yoke of the Lord. But you, on the bed of death,
can you dare to represent to Him your fatigues and the daily hardships of your
employment? can you dare to solicit Him for any recompence? and in all the
exertions that you have made, in all the violences that you have done to
yourselves, what is there that He ought to place to His own account?
The best days of
your life, however, have been sacrificed to your profession, and ten years
service has more worn out your body, than would, perhaps, have done a whole
life of repentance and mortification. Alas! my brother, one single day of those
sufferings, consecrated to the Lord, would, perhaps, have obtained you an
eternal happiness. One single action, painful to nature, and offered up to Him,
would, perhaps, have secured to you the inheritance of the Saints. And you have
done all this, and in vain, for this world.' —Ibid.
To compare, in
this manner, the futile mortifications of a monastery, to the ennobling
hardships and hazards of war; to suppose that one day, or one hour, employed in
the former should, in the eye of the great Judge of the world, have more merit
than a whole life spent honourably in the latter, is surely contrary to all our
moral sentiments; to all the principles by which nature has taught us to
regulate our contempt or admiration. —Ibid.
《このように、修道院の無益な苦行と、戦争の崇高な苦難や危険を比較すること、前者に費やされた1日や1時間が、世界の偉大な審判者の目には、後者で立派に費やされた全生涯よりも有益なはずだと考えることは、私達のすべての道徳感情に、造物主が軽蔑や称賛を規制するよう教えてきたすべての原理に反していることは確かである》― 同