
It is not the soft power of humanity, it is not that feeble spark of benevolence which Nature has lighted up in the human heart, that is thus capable of counteracting the strongest impulses of self-love. It is a stronger power, a more forcible motive, which exerts itself upon such occasions. It is reason, principle, conscience, the inhabitant of the breast, the man within, the great judge and arbiter of our conduct. It is he who, whenever we are about to act so as to affect the happiness of others, calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it; and that when we prefer ourselves so shamefully and so blindly to others, we become the proper objects of resentment, abhorrence, and execration. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments:3.1.2. Chap. II


It is from him only that we learn the real littleness of ourselves, and of whatever relates to ourselves, and the natural misrepresentations of self-love can be corrected only by the eye of this impartial spectator. It is he who shows us the propriety of generosity and the deformity of injustice; the propriety of resigning the greatest interests of our own, for the yet greater interests of others, and the deformity of doing the smallest injury to another, in order to obtain the greatest benefit to ourselves. It is not the love of our neighbour, it is not the love of mankind, which upon many occasions prompts us to the practice of those divine virtues. It is a stronger love, a more powerful affection, which generally takes place upon such occasions; the love of what is honourable and noble, of the grandeur, and dignity, and superiority of our own characters. – Ibid.

《自分自身と自分に関係するあらゆるものの実際の小ささを知るのは、彼からだけであり、起こるべくして起こった自己愛の虚偽の陳述は、この公平な観察者の目によってしか正せない。寛大であることが礼儀正しく、不公正を働くことが醜(みにく)く、自分の最も大きな利益を、他人のさらに大きな利益のために放棄する方が妥当であり、自分にとって最大の利益を得るために他人にごく僅かな損害を与えることさえも醜いということを教えてくれるのは、この人なのである。多くの場面で神の美徳を実践するように促すのは、隣人愛でないし、人類愛でもない。一般的にそのような場面で生じるのは、より強い愛、より強力な愛情であり、立派で高尚なものを愛する心、自らの人格が気高く、凛(りん)とし、優れたものであろうとする心なのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
