
Those private misfortunes, for which our feelings are apt to go beyond the bounds of propriety, are of two different kinds. They are either such as affect us only indirectly, by affecting, in the first place, some other persons who are particularly dear to us; such as our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters, our intimate friends; or they are such as affect ourselves immediately and directly, either in our body, in our fortune, or in our reputation; such as pain, sickness, approaching death, poverty, disgrace, etc. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments:3.1.2. Chap. II


In misfortunes of the first kind, our emotions may, no doubt, go very much beyond what exact propriety will admit of; but they may likewise fall short of it, and they frequently do so. The man who should feel no more for the death or distress of his own father, or son, than for those of any other man's father or son, would appear neither a good son nor a good father. Such unnatural indifference, far from exciting our applause, would incur our highest disapprobation. Of those domestic affections, however, some are most apt to offend by their excess, and others by their defect. – Ibid

《前者の種類の不幸では、私達の感情は、きっと的確妥当な許容範囲を遥かに超えるかもしれないが、同様に下回るかもしれず、そうなることも少なくない。他人の父親や息子よりも、自分の父親や息子の死や苦難を悼(いた)まないような人間は、良い息子でも良い父親でもないように思われるだろう。そのような人情に背(そむ)く無関心は、決して私達の称賛を呼び起こさないどころか、この上ない非難を浴びるだろう。しかしながら、家庭的な愛情の中には、それが過剰となって人の気分を害する傾向が極めて高いものもあれば、不足して人の気分をこの上なく害しがちなものもある》― 同

Nature, for the wisest purposes, has rendered, in most men, perhaps in all men, parental tenderness a much stronger affection than filial piety. The continuance and propagation of the species depend altogether upon the former, and not upon the latter. In ordinary cases, the existence and preservation of the child depend altogether upon the care of the parents. Those of the parents seldom depend upon that of the child. Nature, therefore, has rendered the former affection so strong, that it generally requires not to be excited, but to be moderated; and moralists seldom endeavour to teach us how to indulge, but generally how to restrain our fondness, our excessive attachment, the unjust preference which we are disposed to give to our own children above those of other people. – Ibid

《造物主は、極めて賢明なる理由から、ほとんどの人間、おそらくすべての人間に、親心を親孝行よりもずっと強い愛情としたのである。種の存続と繁殖は、完全に、後者ではなく前者に依存している。普通の場合、子供の生存と保護は、完全に両親の世話にかかっている。両親の生存と保護が子供の世話に依存することは滅多にない。それ故、造物主は、前者の愛情を強くしたので、一般に、それを掻き立てるのではなく、抑える必要があり、倫理学者は、他人の子よりも自分の子を好み、過剰に愛着を寄せ、優先しようとする不当な傾向をほしいままにする方法は滅多に教えず、ほとんどの場合、抑える方法を教えようとするのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
