
They exhort us, on the contrary, to an affectionate attention to our parents, and to make a proper return to them, in their old age, for the kindness which they had shown to us in our infancy and youth. In the Decalogue we are commanded to honour our fathers and mothers. No mention is made of the love of our children. Nature had sufficiently prepared us for the performance of this latter duty. Men are seldom accused of affecting to be fonder of their children than they really are. They have sometimes been suspected of displaying their piety to their parents with too much ostentation. – Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments:3.1.2. Chap. II


The ostentatious sorrow of widows has, for a like reason, been suspected of insincerity. We should respect, could we believe it sincere, even the excess of such kind affections; and though we might not perfectly approve, we should not severely condemn it. That it appears praise-worthy, at least in the eyes of those who affect it, the very affectation is a proof. – bid.

《同様の理由で、未亡人がこれ見よがしに悲しむのも偽善ではないかと疑われてきた。たとえそのような親愛の情が過剰だったとしても、それが誠実だと思われれば、尊重すべきである。完全には気に入らなくても、厳しく非難すべきではない。振りをすること自体が、少なくともその振りをする人々の目に、賞賛に値するように映るということの証(あかし)なのである》― 同

Even the excess of those kind affections which are most apt to offend by their excess, though it may appear blameable, never appears odious. We blame the excessive fondness and anxiety of a parent, as something which may, in the end, prove hurtful to the child, and which, in the mean time, is excessively inconvenient to the parent; but we easily pardon it, and never regard it with hatred and detestation. But the defect of this usually excessive affection appears always peculiarly odious. The man who appears to feel nothing for his own children, but who treats them upon all occasions with unmerited severity and harshness, seems of all brutes the most detestable. – bid.

《親愛の情は、過剰となれば人の気分を害する傾向が極めて高くなるけれども、たとえ過剰となって、非難すべきように思われたとしても、決して醜悪に思われることはない。私達は、親が過剰に溺愛したり、心配したりするのは、結局は子供のためにならず、その一方で、親にとって過度に不都合なことでもあるとして非難するが、私達は、それをあっさり赦(ゆる)し、決して憎悪し、嫌悪してそれを見やしない。しかし、この普段は過剰な愛情が不足すれば、いつも妙に醜悪に思われてしまう。自分の子供に何の感情も抱かないように見えるが、あらゆる場面で子供を不当に厳しく扱う人間は、あらゆる獣の中で最も憎むべきものであるように思われるのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
