The man of real constancy and firmness, the wise and just man who has been thoroughly bred in the great school of self-command, in the bustle and business of the world, exposed, perhaps, to the violence and injustice of faction, and to the hardships and hazards of war, maintains this control of his passive feelings upon all occasions; and whether in solitude or in society, wears nearly the same countenance, and is affected very nearly in the same manner. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II
In success and in
disappointment, in prosperity and in adversity, before friends and before
enemies, he has often been under the necessity of supporting this manhood. He
has never dared to forget for one moment the judgment which the impartial
spectator would pass upon his sentiments and conduct. He has never dared to
suffer the man within the breast to be absent one moment from his attention. – Ibid.
With the eyes of
this great inmate he has always been accustomed to regard whatever relates to
himself. This habit has become perfectly familiar to him. He has been in the
constant practice, and, indeed, under the constant necessity, of modelling, or
of endeavouring to model, not only his outward conduct and behaviour, but, as
much as he can, even his inward sentiments and feelings, according to those of
this awful and respectable judge. He does not merely affect the sentiments of
the impartial spectator. He really adopts them. He almost identifies himself
with, he almost becomes himself that impartial spectator, and scarce even feels
but as that great arbiter of his conduct directs him to feel. – Ibid.
The degree of the
self-approbation with which every man, upon such occasions, surveys his own
conduct, is higher or lower, exactly in proportion to the degree of
self-command which is necessary in order to obtain that self-approbation. Where
little self-command is necessary, little self-approbation is due. The man who
has only scratched his finger, cannot much applaud himself, though he should
immediately appear to have forgot this paltry misfortune. The man who has lost
his leg by a cannon shot, and who, the moment after, speaks and acts with his
usual coolness and tranquillity, as he exerts a much higher degree of
self-command, so he naturally feels a much higher degree of self-approbation. – Ibid.
《このような場面で、あらゆる人が自分の行為を見渡すとき得られる自己満足の程度は、その自己満足を得るために必要な克己(こっき)の度合いに正比例し、高くも低くもなる。自己統制がほとんど必要でない場合は、ほとんど自己満足は得られない。指にかすり傷を負っただけの男は、すぐにこの些細(ささい)な災厄を忘れたように見えても、あまり自己満足できない。砲弾で脚を失い、その直後、いつものように冷静沈着に話し行動する男が、ずっと高度な自制心を発揮するからこそ、より高度な自己満足感が得られるのは当然である》― 同