
Under the boisterous and stormy sky of war and faction, of public tumult and confusion, the sturdy severity of self-command prospers the most, and can be the most successfully cultivated. But, in such situations, the strongest suggestions of humanity must frequently be stifled or neglected; and every such neglect necessarily tends to weaken the principle of humanity. As it may frequently be the duty of a soldier not to take, so it may sometimes be his duty not to give quarter; and the humanity of the man who has been several times under the necessity of submitting to this disagreeable duty, can scarce fail to suffer a considerable diminution. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II


For his own ease, he is too apt to learn to make light of the misfortunes which he is so often under the necessity of occasioning; and the situations which call forth the noblest exertions of self-command, by imposing the necessity of violating sometimes the property, and sometimes the life of our neighbour, always tend to diminish, and too often to extinguish altogether, that sacred regard to both, which is the foundation of justice and humanity. It is upon this account, that we so frequently find in the world men of great humanity who have little self-command, but who are indolent and irresolute, and easily disheartened, either by difficulty or danger, from the most honourable pursuits; and, on the contrary men of the most perfect self-command, whom no difficulty can discourage, no danger appal, and who are at all times ready for the most daring and desperate enterprises, but who, at the same time, seem to be hardened against all sense either of justice or humanity. - Ibid.

《自らの安楽のために、自分がしばしば招かざるを得ない不幸を軽んじるようになる傾向が余りにも強すぎて、時には隣人の財産を、時には隣人の生活を侵害する必要を課すことによって、克己心の最も気高い努力を呼び起こす状況は、公正と慈悲の基礎である、両者に対する神聖な配慮を常に減らしがちであり、完全に消滅させがちであることが多すぎる。このような訳で、怠惰で優柔不断で、最も名誉ある活動から、困難ないしは危険だからと、簡単に挫折してしまう、克己心に乏しいが大慈悲を有(も)つ人物や、反対に、どんな困難にも挫(くじ)けず、どんな危険にも動じず、いつでもこの上なく大胆で決死の行動に出る用意はあるが、同時に、公正感も慈悲心もすべて無感覚になるように思われる、この上なく完璧な克己心を有(も)つ人物が世の中に頻繁に見られるのである》― 同

In solitude, we are apt to feel too strongly whatever relates to ourselves: we are apt to over-rate the good offices we may have done, and the injuries we may have suffered: we are apt to be too much elated by our own good, and too much dejected by our own bad fortune. The conversation of a friend brings us to a better, that of a stranger to a still better temper. The man within the breast, the abstract and ideal spectator of our sentiments and conduct, requires often to be awakened and put in mind of his duty, by the presence of the real spectator: and it is always from that spectator, from whom we can expect the least sympathy and indulgence, that we are likely to learn the most complete lesson of self-command. - Ibid.

《独りでいるときは、自分に関係することは何でも強く感じすぎる嫌いがある。自分があっせんしたことや、自分が傷害を受けたことを過大評価しがちである。私達は、自分の幸運に大喜びしすぎ、自分の不運に落ち込みすぎる傾向がある。友人との会話は、私達を上機嫌にし、見知らぬ人との会話は、さらに上機嫌にする。 胸中の人間、つまり私達の感情や行動を抽象的、理想的に観察する人は、しばしば現実の観察者の存在によって目を覚まさせられ、自分の義務を思い出す必要があり、最も完全な克己の教訓を学ぶことができるのは、常に最も同情や寛容を期待できない観察者からなのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
