
Are you in adversity? Do not mourn in the darkness of solitude, do not regulate your sorrow according to the indulgent sympathy of your intimate friends; return, as soon as possible, to the day-light of the world and of society. Live with strangers, with those who know nothing, or care nothing about your misfortune; do not even shun the company of enemies; but give yourself the pleasure of mortifying their malignant joy, by making them feel how little you are affected by your calamity, and how much you are above it. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II

《貴方は逆境に陥(おちい)っていますか? 独り暗闇の中で嘆き悲しまないでください。貴方の親しい友人が優しく共感してくれるかどうかで悲しみを調整しないでください。一刻も早く、世間と社会の昼の光へと戻ってください。見ず知らずの人達、何も知らない人達、貴方の不幸に何の関心もない人達と共生してください。敵と交わることも避けず、貴方がどれほど災難に動じず、どれほど災難を超越しているかを彼らに感じさせ、彼らの悪意に満ちた喜びを抑えるのを楽しんでください》―アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第3部:第3章

Are you in prosperity? Do not confine the enjoyment of your good fortune to your own house, to the company of your own friends, perhaps of your flatterers, of those who build upon your fortune the hopes of mending their own; frequent those who are independent of you, who can value you only for your character and conduct, and not for your fortune. Neither seek nor shun, neither intrude yourself into nor run away from the society of those who were once your superiors, and who may be hurt at finding you their equal, or, perhaps, even their superior. The impertinence of their pride may, perhaps, render their company too disagreeable: but if it should not, be assured that it is the best company you can possibly keep; and if, by the simplicity of your unassuming demeanour, you can gain their favour and kindness, you may rest satisfied that you are modest enough, and that your head has been in no respect turned by your good fortune. - Ibid.

《貴方は順境にありますか? 貴方の幸運を楽しむのを、貴方の家、貴方の友人、ことによると、お世辞を言う人達、貴方の幸運を土台にして、自分の幸運を取り繕(つくろ)いたい人達、しばしば、貴方とは無関係な、貴方の財産ではなく、貴方の人柄と行いだけで貴方を評価できる人達との交わりに限定しないでください。かつての貴方の上司であったが、貴方が自分と同輩、あるいはひょっとして上司だと分かって傷付くかもしれない人達との交際を求めることも、避けることもせず、そこに立ち入ること、そこから逃れることもしないでください。驕慢による見当違いから、彼らと交際があまりにも嫌になるかもしれませんが、そうでなければ、貴方が続けられる最高の交際であると信じ、貴方の控えめな態度が飾り気のないことで、彼らの好意と親切が得られれば、自分が十分に謙虚で、如何なる点においても幸運によって逆上(のぼ)せ上がったことがないと納得して構わない》― 同

The propriety of our moral sentiments is never so apt to be corrupted, as when the indulgent and partial spectator is at hand, while the indifferent and impartial one is at a great distance. - Ibid.

《私達の道徳感情は、無関心で公平な観察者が遠くにいる一方で、寛大で不公平な観察者が近くにいる時ほど、妥当でなくなり易いことはない》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
