
Of the conduct of one independent nation towards another, neutral nations are the only indifferent and impartial spectators. But they are placed at so great a distance that they are almost quite out of sight. When two nations are at variance, the citizen of each pays little regard to the sentiments which foreign nations may entertain concerning his conduct. His whole ambition is to obtain the approbation of his own fellow-citizens; and as they are all animated by the same hostile passions which animate himself, he can never please them so much as by enraging and offending their enemies. The partial spectator is at hand: the impartial one at a great distance. In war and negotiation, therefore, the laws of justice are very seldom observed. Truth and fair dealing are almost totally disregarded. Treaties are violated; and the violation, if some advantage is gained by it, sheds scarce any dishonour upon the violator. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II


The ambassador who dupes the minister of a foreign nation, is admired and applauded. The just man who disdains either to take or to give any advantage, but who would think it less dishonourable to give than to take one; the man who, in all private transactions, would be the most beloved and the most esteemed; in those public transactions is regarded as a fool and an idiot, who does not understand his business; and he incurs always the contempt, and sometimes even the detestation of his fellow-citizens. In war, not only what are called the laws of nations, are frequently violated, without bringing (among his own fellow-citizens, whose judgments he only regards) any considerable dishonour upon the violator; but those laws themselves are, the greater part of them, laid down with very little regard to the plainest and most obvious rules of justice. - Ibid.

《外国の大臣を騙す大使は、称賛され喝采される。何であれ騙(だま)すことも騙されることも拒絶するが、騙される方が騙すことほど不名誉ではないと思うような公正な人物、私的な取引では誰よりも愛され、誰よりも尊敬されるはずの人物が、公的な取引では自分の職務を理解していない阿呆や馬鹿と見做され、常に同胞の軽蔑を受け、時には嫌悪さえも蒙(こおむ)るのである。戦争では、国家の法律と呼ばれるものが頻繁に違反されるだけでなく、違反者への不名誉を(判断を尊重するだけの同胞の間に)大して齎すこともなく、その法律自体が、その大部分は、最も明白で、最も疑う余地のない正義の規範をあまり考慮せず制定されているのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
