
That the innocent, though they may have some connexion or dependency upon the guilty (which, perhaps, they themselves cannot help), should not, upon that account, suffer or be punished for the guilty, is one of the plainest and most obvious rules of justice. In the most unjust war, however, it is commonly the sovereign or the rulers only who are guilty. The subjects are almost always perfectly innocent. Whenever it suits the conveniency of a public enemy, however, the goods of the peaceable citizens are seized both at land and at sea; their lands are laid waste, their houses are burnt, and they themselves, if they presume to make any resistance, are murdered or led into captivity; and all this in the most perfect conformity to what are called the laws of nations. - Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments: 3.1.2. Chap. II


The animosity of hostile factions, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is often still more furious than that of hostile nations; and their conduct towards one another is often still more atrocious. What may be called the laws of faction have often been laid down by grave authors with still less regard to the rules of justice than what are called the laws of nations. The most ferocious patriot never stated it as a serious question, Whether faith ought to be kept with public enemies? — Whether faith ought to be kept with rebels? Whether faith ought to be kept with heretics? are questions which have been often furiously agitated by celebrated doctors both civil and ecclesiastical. - Ibid.

《俗世間のものであれ教会のものであれ、敵対する派閥の敵意は、しばしば敵対する国家の敵意よりもさらに激烈であり、彼らのお互いに対する行為は、しばしば一層残虐である。派閥の掟(おきて)と呼ばれるものは、国際法と呼ばれるものよりも、正義の決まりを軽視した威厳のある著者によってしばしば定められてきた。どれほど猛烈な愛国者でさえ、「公敵に対して信義を守るべきかどうか」ということを重大な問題として述べはしなかった。「反逆者に対して信義を貫くべきかどうか」「異端者にも信仰を守るべきかどうか」は、俗世間と教会双方の著名な博士たちによって、しばしば激しく論じられてきた問題である》― 同

It is needless to observe, I presume, that both rebels and heretics are those unlucky persons, who, when things have come to a certain degree of violence, have the misfortune to be of the weaker party. In a nation distracted by faction, there are, no doubt, always a few, though commonly but a very few, who preserve their judgment untainted by the general contagion. They seldom amount to more than, here and there, a solitary individual, without any influence, excluded, by his own candour, from the confidence of either party, and who, though he may be one of the wisest, is necessarily, upon that very account, one of the most insignificant men in the society. All such people are held in contempt and derision, frequently in detestation, by the furious zealots of both parties. - Ibid.

《反逆者も異端者も、物事がある程度まで激しくなったとき、不運にも弱い側に属している不幸な人々であることは言うまでもないと思う。 派閥争いで気持ちが動転した国民の中には、少数の、通常ごく少数の、大衆に悪影響されることなく判断力を失わない人達が常に存在するのは間違いない。彼らは、自らの公正さによって、いずれの党派の信頼からも排除され、何ら影響力を持たず、たとえ最も賢明な人物の1人であっても、まさにそれが故に、必然的に社会で最も取るに足らない人物の1人である、あちらこちらで孤立している個人以上になるようなことは滅多にない。このような人達は皆、両党の猛烈な熱狂者たちから、軽蔑され、冷笑され、しばしば嫌悪されるのである》― 同




ハイエク『隷属への道』(20) 金融政策 vs. 財政政策
