When the happiness or misery of others, indeed, in no respect depends upon our conduct, when our interests are altogether separated and detached from theirs, so that there is neither connexion nor competition between them, we do not always think it so necessary to restrain, either our natural and, perhaps, improper anxiety about our own affairs, or our natural and, perhaps, equally improper indifference about those of other men.– Adam Smith, The Theory of moral sentiments :3.1.2. Chap. II 《成程(なるほど)、いかなる点でも、他人の幸不幸が自分の行動に左右されず、自分の利害が他人の利害から完全に切り離され、両者の間に関連もなければ競争もない場合は、私達が自分事に対し、自然に、おそらくは不適切に心配したり、私達が他人事に対し、自然に、おそらくは同様に不適切に無関心であったりするのを、必ずしも抑制する必要はないように思われる》―アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第3部:第3章 The most vulgar education teaches us to act, upon all important occasions, with some sort of impartiality between ourselves and others, and even the ordinary commerce of the world is capable of adjusting our active principles to some degree of propriety. But it is the most artificial and refined education onl