The man who neither ascribes to himself, nor wishes that other people should ascribe to him, any other merit besides that which really belongs to him, fears no humiliation, dreads no detection; but rests contented and secure upon the genuine truth and solidity of his own character. His admirers may neither be very numerous nor very loud in their applauses; but the wisest man who sees him the nearest and who knows him the best, admires him the most. – Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 6th edition: Part 6. Section 2. Chap. 3 (本当に自分に属する以外の功績を、自分に帰属させず、他人が自分に帰属させることも望まない人は、屈辱を恐れず、発覚を恐れず、自分の人格の偽りなき真実と堅固さに満足し安心している。彼を賞賛する人はあまり数は多くないかもしれないし、拍手喝采もあまり大きくはないかもしれないが、彼を最も近くで見、彼を最もよく知る最も賢明な人物であれば、彼を最も賞賛するはずだ) ― アダム・スミス『道徳感情論』第 6 版:第6部 第2篇 第3章 To a real wise man the judicious and well-weighed approbation of a single wise man, gives more heartfelt satisfaction than all the noisy applauses of ten thousand ignorant though enthusiastic admirers. He may say with Parmenides, who, upon readin...