Are we justified in calling this innate habit of mind, this tendency to create an imaginary world of living beings (or perhaps: a world of animate ideas), a playing of the mind, a mental game? – J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens : VIII THE ELEMENTS OF MYTHOPOIESIS (この生まれながらの心の習慣、生き物の空想の世界(おそらくは、生気に満ちた観念の世界)を創り上げるこの傾向を、心の遊び、心的遊戯と呼んでも差支えありませんか)― ― ヨハン・ホイジンガ『ホモ・ルーデンス』第8章 神話想像の要素 cf. 高橋英夫訳、 p. 236 Let us take one of the most elementary forms of personification, namely, mythical speculations concerning the origin of the world and things, in which creation is imagined as the work of certain gods using the limbs of a world-giant's body. -- Ibid . (擬人化の最も初歩的な形態の1つ、すなわち、天地創造が、世界巨人の体の手足を使った、ある神々の御業(みわざ)として思い描かれている、世界と物事の起源に関する神話的思索を例にとりましょう)― cf. 高橋英夫訳、 pp. 236f Normally we are inclined to regard the personification of abstract ideas as the late product of bookish invention -- as allegory, a stylistic device which the art and literature of all ages have made hackneyed. And indeed, as soon as ...